During an IVF cycle, women will take some fertility drugs to stimulate egg production. Once these eggs get matured, the IVF Clinic will collect them and fertilized them with the sperms of men. After the embryos formed, it will then transfer to the woman's uterus.  Approximately 80% of the couples become pregnant during the first three cycles.

As the one of the best IVF clinic, we always suggest our patients ask as many as questions they want to ask related to their IVF treatment such as what all treatment options we have available for them, How we treat the individual person, Which diagnostic tests are available, We are cost- effective IVF clinic or not etc.

The overall cost of IVF cycle depends on how many cycles' couples choose to have as IVF clinic charge for per IVF cycle and it varies from clinic to clinic. Choosing theIVF clinic on the basis of successful births has produced is somewhat insufficient since there are many variables attach to it. Success rates depend on the individual circumstances, and it does not mean that the expensive IVF clinic will provide the best IVF treatment. Couples may be able to get the same quality of treatment at a lower cost with high success rate. For the best low-cost IVF clinic in India, couples have to search properly through websites or phone calls or even they can ask from the IVF clinic for the reference of the people who had their treatment with them.

As we all know the cause of infertility can be due change in lifestyle, at our IVF clinic we can resolve the problem of fertility in couples by changing their lifestyle in order to get the successful IVF treatment by following some factors:

  • Obesity is a risk factor for women to conceive, weight loss may improve the general health and help them to get pregnant. Obesity can also cause fertility problems in men.
  • Consumption of alcohol is not to be advised by our IVF clinicfor the pregnant women as it can cause weight gain. For men, also, consumption of alcohol is prohibited as it damages the sperm counts.
  • If one or both partners smoke, the chances of conceiving decrease dramatically.

If you still thinking for the cost –effective IVF clinic. Please email your medical details to

Joy, our Chief Program Coordinator at select IVF Clinic atinfo@selectivf.com  or you can call us on +91 84470-11992

Source : articlesbase.com


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