I think what everyone fails to remember when criticizing Krav Maga or making a comparison to their favorite "self defense" system of choice is that Krav Maga is strictly for the person wanting or needing to learn self defense RIGHT NOW. They want to learn how to survive a violent encounter and aren't concerned with how to do a cool looking spinning back kick. They understand that breaking boards won't help them out on the street. There is no need to bow and "show respect" to a home invader who has just busted through your door and is ready to rape or kill your loved ones. No, Krav Maga is about going forward, going hard and doing as much damage as possible to keep you and your loved ones safe. So where does learning over 3000 techniques come into play? It doesn't. Most traditional systems start you at "grasshopper" level and it usually takes years of training before you can be considered a "Tiger". And if you really put the time, effort and money then you might one day achieve "Master" status.

After my first lesson in Krav Maga back in 2009, I remember leaving class thinking, "damn this really works!" Even if I knew nothing more, I was confident in that one class that I could go out and defend myself more than before I walked in for my first session. I understood how fighting for your life was sloppy, uncoordinated and downright dirty. I was impressed with the fact that I didn't just spend an hour kicking and punching into the air. I realized I could effectively defend myself from here on out even if I never went passed Level 2, (with the exceptions of the weapons disarm training). A system containing 3000 techniques would take too long and quite frankly, how do you remember how to use those 3000 techniques? I ran into an instructor whose name and system I'll keep to myself who proudly told me how his system had over 3000 techniques, I was astounded and asked, "How do you remember all of those?" His response was classic, he simply said, "I don't".

Krav Maga vs. 3000 Techniques – Bruce Lee said, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." I've seen some really impressive black belt martial artists who have definitely earned their strength, agility and ability to jump, spin and land a kick with pinpoint accuracy, but what would you expect from someone who has practiced for years on end. Most of those aren't what I would consider your average "Joe". Surely if someone has the time and dedication to put in then they too can achieve such a level of proficiency. But what about the "average Joe" who just wants to be able to protect him/herself? What about the people who aren't looking to be pressured into competing in tournaments for their school? What about the abused woman who needs to learn TODAY how to defend and get away without having to take hundreds of classes in order to be proficient?

That's where Krav Maga comes in; it was developed for both men and women of all ages, size and strength. Krav instructors understand the importance of teaching easy to remember, easy to do and easy to perform combatives and techniques. Krav Maga's philosophy is what makes the system so effective. Most elite Special Forces training understood this philosophy way before it was "uncovered" at the civilian level. It is the one critical element in most self defense training programs which has been proven to be fatal at times when not practiced. Strenuous physical, mental, emotional and situational training is the key to an all around self defense training center and Concealed Tactical puts it all together to bring you "The Next Level of Personal Defense Training". Remember everyone, train hard and stay safe!

Source : articlesbase.com


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