So, what is your superpower?

It's your subconscious, your intuition, your gut instinct, your inspiration, your body language, your intellect and your conscious decisions.

All aligned and working in sync for the same purpose and goal.  When you practice the activity and develop the skills discussed in parts 1 to 10 and unlocked the Master Keys, you will start to work in sync, moving in a direction together without conflict or blockage, you will be amazed at the opportunities which open up to you, one thing will lead onto the next and the next.  What you thought previously was the horizon was in fact just as stepping stone and as you reach each stepping stone, another one appears, more opportunities open up, you are only limited by your own belief systems and imagination.

You will also notice that everything happens much quicker that you could have imagined possible, but it might not be 'exactly' as you had imagined.  For example, I decided that I wanted to get myself into a position where I could move out of the UK and live in Mediterranean within the next two and a half years (before a big birthday!).  In my mind's eye (imagination) I pictured quaint houses with cerise Bougainvillea climbing the walls of houses, warm sunshine and clear blue seas, peace and quiet.  I had imagined it was a greek island, but didn't really have a fixed destination.  That decision was 8 months ago, I now live in Gozo (a place I hadn't heard of 6 months ago) which is a small island next to Malta south of Italy in the Mediterranean, but now it is spring, the Bougainvillea is starting to bloom up the walls of the quaint sandstone houses.

Worrying about the future will cause blockages in your mind and prevent you moving towards your goals.  Practice looking after your mind by consciously creating the chemical balance it needs, i.e. burn off any adrenalin you create and produce as much serotonin as you can and your mind will look after you.

Your mind knows everything about you, you can't hide from it, it knows everything you do, everything you have forgotten and everything you wish to forget.  You can pretend to the outside world that you're not worrying or you're happy when you are not inside, but you can't fool your own mind.  But be aware, any internal unhelpful thinking will prevent life happening the way you would like it to.

Your brain and your life is taking instruction from you.  If you believe something won't happen to you – then of course it won't, but if you believe without question that you will get what you dream of – it will happen because your mind has taken that instruction and found a way.

Someone gave me a lovely analogy recently to the concept of being lucky or unlucky in life.

Being lucky or unlucky is not part of your make up, you're not born one way or the other.

Luck are little parcels of opportunity all around you all the time, some people see them and decide to pick them up whereas other people are too busy staring wide eyed at their problems to see them, others see them but don't pick them up. Everyone is exposed to the same amount of luck, the only difference is a persons thought patterns and and focus.

Those using their superpower, actively balancing their neurotransmitters and hormones as well as being aware and vigilant of their thought patterns, shifting unhelpful belief systems to more positive ones and adopting positive language patterns will be choosing exactly which parcels of opportunity they want to pick up.

How to rewire Your Brain For Superpower Positivity

You've heard of 'The Compound Effect', you've been told 'practice makes perfect' (or permanent), you've perhaps read up on positive habit forming.  What do they all tell you?  Practice.

It is exactly the same with physically rewiring your brain – we can't get a screwdriver in there, in fact it is much easier and considerably more pleasant – Your thought patterns are forming and reforming how your brain is wired all the time.  This is why it is so vital to be aware of how you are thinking and to be constantly vigilant that you are not forming negative pathways by accident.

Think of it like a path through a field, for years every day you have been following the same path, without thinking, it's just been automatic because that's the path you have always taken, it's natural and you learned that path from others around you, probably as a child. So it's no wonder you just blindly follow the same path.

Then one day you stop at the gate of the field and you open your eyes and, perhaps for the first time, you looked at the whole field and see there is another way. You don't want to take the old path and more because it's treacherous, difficult and gets you into all sorts of problems, its hard work and there is another easier way – but not path yet.

Then you decided you are going to start making a better path, every day you consciously take your new path, and you wear away the grass. Slowly, every day you tread the new easier route, you wear away more grass and a path starts to appear. Sometimes you forget and take the old path – as they say, old habits die hard, but you remember half way down the old path, because you don't like it and you hop across to the new path again and carry on.

The more you walk the new path, the more you wear away the grass and the more you STOP walking the old path, the more chance the grass gets to grow over it so there is no longer a path there.

Before too long (much quicker than the years it took to reinforce the old path), you walk into your field and you just automatically take the new path, because that's the path in front of you, its the path you can see and its the most natural path to take and – its the easy happy path.

This is exactly what happens to the neural networks in your brain. Every day you practice being positive and living in the moment, you are forming new connections and letting the old unhelpful connection go.

Practice makes permanent

You can start right now if you like.

Put your subconscious superpower to the test

I want you to think of something you need or would like and a timescale that you would like it in – don't say something like I want a million dollars tomorrow – there's no point, you might say it, but you won't believe it inside.  This must be something you believe is within the realms of possibility.  Imagine it, bring a picture to you mind, think about it for a moment, then let it go.  Trust your mind.  Don't question, analyse or control, just let your superpower take care of it.

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