Have you ever thought that you should ask for a pay raise? Well, then you should first consider whether or not the company that you are working for is actually in the position to provide you with a salary increase.

Asking for a pay raise is always a delicate moment because you are overwhelmed with lots of emotions. You could feel a bit embarrassed, feel you are not deserving of a raise or even feel a bit of guilt. But if you feel you have put in a lot of work that has not been financially compensated for, then you have every right to ask politely for a raise. It happens all the time. If it didn't pay wouldn't rise in line with inflation.

If you feel as though they are, then you should learn how to ask for a raise before ever doing so…


How To Ask for A Raise?

1> Make sure that it is a raise and not recognition or better working conditions that you are seeking.

2> If you really do want a raise, then you should consider what you are worth before you ever enter into a salary negotiation. It is also helpful to make a list of your accomplishments, what your skills are and how you have contributed to the company.

3> Take the time to do a salary survey so that you know what a normal raise would be for someone with your experience and in your occupation. You should print out the information that shows that you are making less money than other people in your position are. You can use one of the few excellent sites providing such information such as Salary.com.

4> Before talking to your supervisor or looking for a time to do so, you should do some role-playing with a friend who does not work for the company. This person can play the role of your boss and help you to see anything that you may have overlooked.

5> Be prepared for objections such as the company struggling through hard times or your supervisor wanting to know what sets you apart from your coworkers.

6> Make sure that your supervisor's mood and outlook are such that they would take the time to consider your request. Of course, you will also want to be in a good mood so that you will be sure not to lose your temper and that you will be able to keep a sense of humor about you.

7> Ask your supervisor if she can talk to you at the end of the day. Either make an appointment with her or simply ask her if she has a few minutes that she can spare.Whenever it comes to negotiating salary, you should have a specific amount of money in mind. From there you should ask for a little more than what you expect. For instance if you want a 6% increase, then ask for an 8% increase. This is just good negotiating skills.

8> When it comes to learning how to ask for a raise, you will need to make sure that you are being realistic. If the company that you are working for is going through some difficult times, and yet you feel as though you deserve a raise, think about how you will respond if you are offered a lower amount of money.

9> You are going to have to be flexible just in case your supervisor chooses to offer you a supplement in perks such as time off, flextime or vacation time instead of offering you a raise. In such a case, you will need to negotiate to ensure that you get what you want.

10> If your supervisor decides not to give you any type of a raise, then you should have a plan ready so that you can regroup. For instance, you may want to consider finding a new job at a different company. This is especially important if some of the other employees at the firm doing a similar job have had their pay increased but the boss did not deem it worth the same in your case.


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Source : articlesbase.com


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