Steam generator descaler is basically a device to exchange heat in order to convert water into steam which is produced from a reactor. This phenomenon is used in steam iron as well. With the passage of time, calc or scale is developed in a steam iron or steam generator and this problem is very common in electrical devices that are operated using water. As the water is of much importance in the working of a steam generator, so its hardness matters a lot. The harder the water is, more rapidly the scale is build up and solidifies. If the generator is not cleaned regularly, then white stains are seen on the plate of steam generator and performance of the generator is also reduced. These stains indicate the need of descaling steam generator. However we should develop a habit of descaling our steam generator to ensure its best performance. Descaling also prevents other problems like leakage, brownish water etc.Now before starting with descaling your steam generator, following things must be kept in mind for safety reasons:* The basic and foremost step is to disconnect the power supply and  let the generator cool down.* Safe clothing should be used.* Next step is to check the degree of scale.* Pointer of the generator should be shifted to the option of 'No Steam' so a s to avoid further scale formation.* Fill the tank with water to the highest level and press the scale cleaning button.

* Sometimes detergent is also used in the process of descaling.* Rinse it thoroughly followed by soaking and quenching process.* At last the water is drained out from the descaler through a valve. Fill it  and drain it again.Other precautions:* Smoking must be avoided.* Proper ventilation should be there.* If you feel dizziness, in such case it is better to stop for sometime or ask someone to assist the descaling process.* Children should be away from the generator as soon as the descaling process is over.* Voltage of the label must be in accordance with the home voltage.* A fully trained and competent person must be there to monitor the whole descaling process because if it is done by an untrained person, it may harm the * * * person as well there are chances of damages to appliance as well.* Plug of the device must be checked from time to time to avoid damage.* Do not hold the device by a cable wire, in case if there is any problem in the appliance, do not try to fix it by yourself. Instead take it to the expert for proper repair, So if these points are kept in mind while descaling steam generator, then descaling will no more be a difficult task for you . All you need is to follow these steps properly so as to ensure complete cleaning of the steam generator.Warning- Don't touch the soleplate while using the steam generator as it can cause serious issues for you. Stay safe, live well.

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