A proofreading course is as important as any other course. But in case people are doing it online, they tend to take it lightly. This is because there is no teacher to mark their attendance. Also, since it is a skill development proofreading course, hence people may not take it lightly. But the fact remains that it is a fairly important course. This is why you are doing it! Hence you should be serious about it in order to get proper learning. Build a schedule around your proofreading courseOnce you have enrolled for this course, get serious about it. Like any other course, even this will require time and effort. In case you are opting for an online proofreading course, have a time table. See when you are having classes. Now plan your office work and other jobs in such a way that you can devote time singularly to your classes.In case your class starts at 5 p.m., do not keep your office meeting till 4.55 p.m. This is because you need time and space to move from one place to another. You may prefer doing the course from home and not from your office computer. Then you would need time to move from your office to home. In addition, you also need to switch off your mind from office and focus it on learning proofreading skills. This would require some moments of peace. You may like to listen to some music in order to help you in this transference. In addition, you would like to keep your office files away and then take out your learning books. Keep some time for this activity too.

Besides attending classes, some amount of time has to be scheduled for your assignments and practice sessions. In addition, you would be having to devote time for your tests too. This would include study time also.Do note that you will always have a host of other activities in addition to your proofreading course. This would include parties, attending family events, emergencies, and sickness and office meetings in case you are working. You need to know what to prioritize as everything is important but you cannot be at two places at the same time. All this would require effective time management from your side. This is essential if you want proper learning to take place. Make sure that you have your priorities in order before you begin your new learning experience.

Source : articlesbase.com


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