Packaged foods, beverages, sauces, salad dressings and ketchups feature sugar in varying amounts. The cumulative amount of sugar you consume every day exceeds safe levels because sugar in each food item adds up. The result is obesity, the root of major health issues. The solution to a trimmer, fitter you is to avoid sugar in any amount but this is easier said than done because most of us have become conditioned to the sweet taste.

If you do make a hard resolve to cut sugar levels in your food then you would need to stick to this resolve. Sugar cravings are bound to arise due to years of conditioning. An effective way to pander to your cravings while keeping sugar out of your food or reducing it to insignificant levels is to switch to a safer, zero-calorie sweetener. You could try aspartame, Neotame, saccharin, Acesulfame potassium or any other synthetic sweetener. The only drawback is that people do not like the taste of any of these synthetic products. With the discovery of stevia as a wonder zero-calorie sweetener with zero glycemic index, many food manufacturers are switching to the use of this natural, herbal based sweetening agent. 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, it needs only a tiny amount to give food that natural tasting sweetness. What sets stevia apart from other sweeteners is that it rarely has any adverse side effects, even in those with medical conditions and it does not react with other medication. In this backdrop, switching to stevia based products, especially stevia drink mix, helps you cut down on sugar levels in your daily diet.

Sugar in food does give you a "good" feeling but then, sugar is also addictive, promoting more craving for sugar that, in turn leads you to consume more sugary foods. If you take a packet of herbal stevia drink mix and prepare a glassful of delicious tasting drink that you can consume in the morning or along with your meals, the craving for sugar reduces. This wonder herbal product originating from Paraguay and Brazil actually controls blood sugar levels and insulin; gives you a feeling of satisfaction and keeps you feeling energetic throughout the day. You do not feel like snacking and, as you keep consuming stevia herbal drinks like stevia iced tea twice or thrice in a day; you will find that sugar is dispensable.

This does not happen overnight because the craving for sugar is deeply ingrained and it takes conscious effort to stay on track to reducing or removing sugar from your food. Cost is a consideration when it comes to alternatives to sugar but stevia drink mix is so affordably priced you will be able to buy a bundle for regular use.

Sugar is insidious and public enemy number one. If you wish to stay healthy, trim and fit, focus on eating foods that are free of sugar. Should you find it necessary to use sweet sauces or ketchup, you can easily find stevia sweetened food products—a far better, safer and healthier alternative to the deadly white poison. 

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