The recent revelation of Google's new logo has created quite a stir amongst the online world, and its effectiveness is being questioned by many people. The logo of any company is quite possibly one of the most important parts of your branding. It is recognised by existing and new customers, it provides a sense of security, and it also speaks volumes about your company. Google's logo has changed a number of times since 1998, however, the change this year is somewhat the biggest, but may also be the worst.

The new logo uses a simpler font, modernised font, which is very much 'of the times'. For this reason, a lot of experts do not think that this logo will be around for a long period of time, compared to previous logos which have stuck for a number of years. It has also been said that Google are playing it safe, following in the footsteps of Facebooks recent logo change.

The inspiration behind this logo change is apparently the use of mobile devices. But the original logo was somewhat grown-up and mature. With their previous logos, compared to other big branded companies, Google didn't feel the need to show off with fancy fonts and whizzy effects. No, the Google logo epitomised that of typewriter, old-fashioned newspaper style text, oozing class and elegance. But now, the logo has become somewhat childish, evoking the style of fridge magnets and the good old trusty font of Comic Sans.

The simplicity of the logo has its benefits of course, it portrays a clean company, one which they have said they are having a clean-up of. If you were to do this in your home, you would start by de-cluttering and getting rid of any old junk which you no longer need. This is how Google felt about its logo.

So, how does this effect you and your business? In essence, it doesn't. However, Google is quite simply, a phenomenally large corporate company which is recognised across the globe, so perhaps you should take a little advice and follow in their footsteps. Re-branding of a company can be risky. As mentioned earlier, your logo and brand provides a safe-haven for customers; they know who they are dealing with and what to expect, before they've even picked up the phone. Although, you can make it work in your favour.

Making a big deal out of your re-branding can allow it to become an event in itself. Having a countdown, a revelation, competitions and creating a hype about your company and the occasion will increase awareness of your business. This can be done through social media, and combining this with SEO and a website re-design will give you the best chances of letting people know what is going on. Social Media can include your Facebook page and Twitter account, and these can be linked to your website in order to make the most of your social media campaign.

To help market your re-branding campaign, visit for more information about how SEO and social media can work for you.

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