Some error by exercising regularly, but not control the diet. To not lose weight, they get confused not knowing what is wrong, because in their minds, they are exercising, then "should" be thinner.Others can not "go to the gym" (another myth, for the best exercises require no equipment and can be done even at home) and therefore fail to make any effort to lose weight, how to exercise were the ONLY way to lose weight.

Exercise makes a person feel hungrier course and if it is not controlling the diet on a short leash (for thinking that only the exercise already has) she eats more what little she has spent with the exercises, rendering them useless from the point in view of the weight loss. Most of the exercises that people do usually with the intention of losing weight does not burn many calories anyway. It is very easy to eat again all that was spent during the activity. 1 single banana can return everything that you burned in 1 hour of walking, for example.

Let's make something clear here above all: Exercises are essential to your health, they can do so you lose weight faster is the only way to get the perfect body and have a number of other benefits. What we are arguing here is that the expectation of losing weight ONLY WITH YEARS without taking care of the diet is an illusion and on the other hand, if you can not or do not want to exercise, you might as well just lose weight with diet.

Some people start exercising and get the impression that it was the exercise that made all the difference. There are a few explanations for this situation.

If the person is VERY overweight, any regular exercise will cause some weight loss as excess fat is very large and therefore the body can get rid of it easily. The person will reach, at some point, the plateau stage and after that she will not lose weight without reviewing their diet.

In other cases the person keeps the same eating habits to start exercising. Some people just do not have much appetite as others and maintain the same diet, adding the increase in caloric expenditure provided by the exercises, she loses weight. In this case also comes on the plateau and from there you can no longer progress without an adjustment is in the intensity of exercise or diet.

It is also important to understand that weight loss is like a mathematical formula, only applicable to each particular case only, that is, each of us has its own mathematical formula of weight loss and each individual must find out what that balance point and go adjusting it as they will losing weight.

It's easy to see the amount of people asking things like these and I'm doing this exercise many times a week, how long will I lose weight? Well folks, no one here has a crystal ball or supernatural powers! You can not answer questions like that because everyone loses weight at a different pace and there are so many variables that only even you could discover (or perhaps a professional working with you personally). Variables such as age, current weight, goal, gender, hormones, health problems such as thyroid, diabetes, and even things that science itself has not yet discovered and which are probably linked to our DNA as why some people lose weight at a given pace where as others with the same conditions lose weight differently or do not lose weight at all? Then ask how much weight you will lose or how long it will take for you to lose as much weight with absolutely evaluate all of these variables is naive and may even boycott their efforts.

If you're hoping to know how much you can lose and how fast you can lose weight before you start, you're just wasting time. Start changing their habits the way it is possible for you right now. You can not exercise? Okay, do not stress! As we discussed in this article, exercises are not so essential for weight loss (recommended yes, but not absolutely necessary!).

Be more aware of your eating habits is by far the most important part of the puzzle of weight loss because they are the foods that make you fat, not necessarily lack of exercise (although, yes, you would be slimmer and healthier if I did regular exercise!).

To give you greater awareness of what is put in the mouth, keep a food diary is essential - and it all eh! That history does not record the balinha or chocolate because "it is too small, not worth" is pure self-deception.

From this greater awareness about how you eat and what you are eating you can start making small changes to change their habits.

A tip which is useful is to eat more fiber and protein at every meal, especially if your problem is overeating, since both fibers and protein make you feel full faster and do not want to eat more. Both do not get fat easily, being much healthier than carbohydrates and fats. With the addition of further fibers make its faster metabolism and their body more efficient and help build muscle proteins also contribute to weight loss!

If you wanna know some 15 minutes exercises to lose fat check my website.

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