Typically it has been seen that when people enroll in a proofreading course, they are sincere and organized in the beginning. But gradually they begin to take it easy. This way they tend to falter and fall back in their classes. Their grades begin to fall and their learning too gets impacted.Be organized, stay organizedWhether you are doing an online proofreading course or an offline one, you must keep all your things together in one place. This would include your books, papers, assignments, study material, test material, notes, workbooks, question bank and so on. There is a common tendency to keep the study material together in the start. But when you are studying in some other place, you tend to keep it with your office files, with some novels or even with the newspaper. This way it slowly gets mixed up and you forget where you had kept it last. After this you spend a lot of time in looking for these study notes that you may or may not be able to find at the right time.You would be having a time table of your classes. Take a printout and display it at a prominent place. Make a schedule of your assignments, tests, submissions and so on. Put these as a reminder in your smart phone as well as in your computer. Let there be alerts popping up on your screen to remind you about your upcoming class or any assignment that is to be submitted. This will ensure that you do not miss any important deadlines.

Plan your scheduleYour life is a bagful of activities. You need to assign slots to each. You have to give time to friends and relatives. In case you have a family, they would also require your time. In addition, there are festivals, birthdays, anniversaries, parties and so on. There would be picnics, holidays and so on. Besides, keep a buffer for emergencies too. Basically you need to stay ahead of your schedule if you intend to get good grades in your proofreading course.Being organized is the first step towards good learning. You need to do this well as well as plan ahead. Try and be as organized as you can. Your aim should be to get maximum learning from the proofreading course that you have chosen! As the old saying goes; "if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail". So make sure you do not set yourself up for a failure before you have even started.

Source : articlesbase.com


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