Women have always been stereotyped for their love for shopping. It is said that they can shop to celebrate as well as mourn. And it is for this love for shopping that the terms like 'shopaholic' or 'retail therapy' have come into being. Men have always been portrayed as one who hates to go for shopping, no matter how important it is. But online shopping trends largely differ on this portrayal. It is not that they have suddenly stated loving it, rather there are quite a few factors that men have found shopping quite interesting. 

Basically, men do not know what exactly do they want and when do they need it. They can continue to wear their worn and torn denims forever. They hardly notice their faded shirts or worn out jackets. They love to call it cool rather than go and hunt for another one. They rarely have time for that unless it is weekend. And if they don't find it first chance, the mission shopping gets shelved. But online shopping has changed the process. They do not need to wander from a store to another. They can find the apt thing while doing what they like best- net surfing. This is one of the most prominent reasons behind the current online shopping trends where men seem to be more friendly than women. This is less time consuming and they are not required to sacrifice their weekend fun for something they detest. 

Another factor behind existing online shopping trends is that men are getting conscious about their looks much more than ever. Today, men's fashion go much beyond than monotonous patterns of stripes and checked shirts, t shirts and eastern or western formals. The best way to keep yourself updated about the fashion trends is by browsing through these websites. You can never come across all kinds of fashionable clothes in less than thirty minutes if you are not in web world. Narrowing down to exactly what is needed is much easier this way. As a result, men are more into online shopping. 

There are many added advantages of shopping from different stores, obviously from female point of view. Women don't go for shopping only because they need something. They like the entire experience. They are not always brand conscious. They love to bargain, binge on different street food, hang out with friends and so on. They love shopping as a whole package. Online shopping trends find less number of women making transactions than men simply because though online shopping serves the purpose but the fun part is missed out. Hopping from a store to another, the crowd, ambience, chances of bumping with some friends etc everything makes shopping an event which is not there in online shopping. And this is a major reason that given an option, women will go choose real shopping for online shopping. 

In some part of India, or rather should be said that in certain sections of our society, women are still not comfortable with the idea of card shopping. Online shopping trends say that women go for online shopping with the websites that offer cash on delivery facility. This is especially for homemakers who rarely venture out with credit and debit cards and stick to cash transactions. Also, housewives look for opportunity to go outside the confinements of home and shopping is a great opportunity to have fun and do work at the same time. There are women to whom shopping is not restricted to big malls and buying expensive clothes and shoes. They enjoy grocery shopping too. And online shopping can never be that fun. 

Source : articlesbase.com


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