It makes me sad when I think of people living in Middle East. In the midst of war turmoil circumstances, where at one instant a mother is cooking for his son and the other instant, the house is blown up into nothingness. This has induced hatred in the population and has provided an opportunity to the terrorists group to radicalize people. The Middle Easterners are viewed with suspicion wherever they travel. The barbaric Daesh (ISIS) is terrorizing local populations and minorities across the Middle East. Minorities, in particular, are facing unprecedented levels of persecution. Children watched their parents and siblings murdered, in front of them. Many girls were snatched from their families in order to keep them as sex slaves. The war has resulted in secondary effects of conflict like lack of clean water, shelter and medical facilities. Millions are forced to leave their homes and flee to other cities and countries just to live as refugees. But the journey to the refugee camps is hard to take. Not all fortunate enough to complete that risk perilous journey all the way to Europe. The refugee camps are hardly livable. There is a constant fear of a disease outbreak. Makeshift camps are freezing in winter and boiling in summer.

But today, more than ever, we need to acknowledge the urgent need for inter-religious dialogue to tackle extremist ideologies and sectarianism. The Iranians have to bring a self-renaissance in themselves. They Iranians and Syrians have to reject the extreme ideology and stop supporting "The AL-QAIDAs", "The TALIBANs" and "The BOKO-HARAMs".

The Iranians have to prevent brain-washing of their children in the name of ISLAM. These monsters preach killing and mass murdering and promise heaven and virgins in the after-life. Isn't it absurd to follow such an idiotic thought?  But if anybody opposes them, they kill them. So, people are forced to follow them.

There is a ray of hope. This quote is by an Iranian activist "We are facing a wave of extremism and barbarism committed in the name of religion". Another one is "It is the duty of us all – firstly as human beings and secondly as Iraqis – to confront this with a culture of tolerance, love and respect. We urgently need to be open with each other, and to accept each other." We must prioritize the work to tackle the root causes of brutality. As Hilary Clinton said in one of her presidential election campaigns that Muslims all around the world can learn a lot from the moderate Indian Muslims and the Muslims of Indonesia. The Indian Muslims are liberal and live peacefully in a pluralistic society. They practice Sufism. Iranians need to drop the harsh and non-liberal preaching ofDarul Islam and the Hadiths.

Education will bring peace and prosperity in the region and in turn to the whole world. The Iranian children should be brought up in a liberal atmosphere. They should be imparted liberal teachings and excellent technical education. But it takes time to build institutions from the scratch. Online education services come in picture to solve the problem. Students can enroll in universities online and join the distant learning programmes. They can study using the videos. Students need to submit assignments as well. As they don't have resources there, they can avail online assignment writing services. Online services like HND Assignment Help provide affordable solutions of assignment given to undergraduates, post-graduates and PhD students. HND Assignment Help gives 24*7 assistance to students. Students can control the assignment writing process. They can alter anything at any stage of assignment writing process. The writers are experts passed out from renowned universities. Education will bring peace and prosperity in the region and in turn to the whole world.

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