Referrals are the number one source of business in real estate industry. Most home buyers and sellers prefer real estate agents referred by a friend, a relative, or a neighbor.

Building a referral based clientele is a long term strategy. If you are looking for long-term results or steady flow of income, you not just need to focus on developing a pool of satisfied customers, but also aim to create a robust referral strategy to bring in new clients.

Getting customer referral is not easy as it may seem. While a few customers may give referral hastily, most customers hesitate even if they loved your services. Here is what you should do to get referred and increase your chances of sales.

Ask for the Referral Directly

The fundamental rule of getting a referral is simply asking for it. Whether you ask your clients before listing their home for sale, during the sales process, or after closing the deal, be sure that you clearly state the purpose and need for the referral.

Remember the more you remind your client that your business work by referral, the higher are your chances of receiving one. It is a good idea to ask for referral in a systematic way throughout the transaction process. A few reminders can help your clients understand the value of recommendation which can encourage them to refer your services to friends and family.

Ask for Referrals on Your Marketing Collaterals

Include a short note on your collaterals, including brochures, emails, and on the back of your business card. A single line, such as "We appreciate your referrals" can serve as a good reminder for your clients to refer your services to others.

Stay Connected with Your Customers

The biggest mistake real estate agents make is not following up after receiving a referral. It's a good practice to follow up within two weeks of getting the referral. Make them a call or send a personalized email to thank them for acknowledging your service and referring it to others. Also, send your clients newsletters and other informative content on a regular basis to stay connected with them and remind them of your referral system.

Real estate can be a rewarding business. All you need to be successful is the right business development strategy, and of course a real estate license. If you are looking to kick-start your real estate career, The Real Estate School For Success is the right place to acquire real estate license in South Carolina.

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