Though Phantom is not an official name given by Google to its quality updates, but yes the term has got a high weightage in past few month. It was two years back probably, the sites experienced a notable drop in the search engine ranking pages. It was a huge and significant drop that grab attentions of many webmasters. 60% drops are being referred here and it is fair enough to call it a huge drop.  Phantom was the informal name given to the algorithmic shifts as it was not revealed by Google earlier. Google called it the 'Quality Update'. You might wonder but there are many more verticals on which the site quality depends. It was the time when the first quality algorithm rolled out by Google when SEO geeks were looking forward for the penguin 2.0  update. Many SEO companies were also expecting the same.  Webmasters were surprised enough and they weren't prepared for something  like this which is saddest part.  It was called Phantom as it used to give a mysterious feel and people had no idea about what's next on the list. Google did not confirm anything about the quality update, but a boatload of data was enough to depict that something big has occurred. There was this Phantom 2  last  year that emphasized on the  content quality.  If  you are a Phantom 2 victim then you should rather scan your web pages using content quality lens. Two years past the Phantom update 1, Quality update 2 was done and like what most of  the SEO companies had expected, nothing was revealed by Google. Although Google clearly denies to Panda and Penguin.  This time, the droop was not more than 20% that confirms that it is not panda or penguin. Had it been Panda, there would have been significant drops.This time, the droop was not more than 20% that confirms that it is not panda or penguin. Had it been Panda, there would have been significant drops  It was seen in last to last month i.e. November 19. November 19 update it was called. Or should it be called Phantom 3? Did it have any correlation with the last quality updates. If we  go through the statistics, around 60% of the websites affected during the May update are right now experiencing major rank shifts. Though not confirmed by Google,but it may be the 3rd Phantom. Many websites experienced significant drop due to irrelevant  and duplicate content in November. It was something big for sure!

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