Lifter noise within the engine of any vehicle may be triggered due to a wide range of problems resulting from age, regular wear and tear, internal damages, presence of debris, sludge formation, dirt, etc. Using additives may not be able to alter the amount of wear and tear the engine experiences in case the vehicle has been driven for several thousand miles. However, there are a number of products which can be utilised for reducing the noise emitted by the lifters of an automobile engine.


Engine Flush or Oil Treatment

In case the reason behind the annoying noise from the lifters is trapped debris within the engine, one can flush out the dirt using a cleaning product which has been designed specifically for engines. Flushes are capable of eliminating built up dirt, debris and gunk that cause an engine to run poorly or prevent oil from lubricating various internal components efficiently. Lack or deficiency of lubricants can often be responsible for tapping or knocking noises coming from under the hood of a vehicle. However, it is imperative that a flush be administered by a certified mechanic who can provide warranty for their work. Because flushes can sometimes give rise to other issues due to the gunk breaking apart and choking other components.

Miscellaneous Additives

There are many products available in the market of Australia that claim to have the capability of reducing wear and tear and extending the life of engines. Such oil treatment additive products normally combine dense lubricants with the cleaning and detergent quality of flushes. They are sold in small amounts which can be added to the engine oil of a vehicle. They often perform a wide range of tasks that can benefit the engine of a vehicle as well as reduce the noise emitted by lifters. However, this usually depends on the factors responsible for the noise in the first place.


High Grade Oil

 Some engine oils are specifically designed for providing enhanced lubrication than the others. While 100 percent synthetic oils are normally effective at improving the fuel mileage, many vehicle owners and mechanics say that semi-synthetic ones are better at providing protection against tapping and knocking noises caused due to inadequate lubrication. An oil having high viscosity can also help in reducing lifter noise. Some people also employ oils designed to be used in high mileage engines for the same purpose. That, however, depends on the age and condition of the engine.


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