At the 27th ASEAN Summit held November 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the leaders of the 10 ASEAN member states signed the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the establishment of the ASEAN Community.


The signing of the landmark document was witnessed by leaders of ASEAN dialogue partners from China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.


The ASEAN Community entails greater integration of the ASEAN region in which more than 600 million people live. It comprises the three core pillars of ASEAN Political Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.


First established in 1967 the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) regional bloc consists of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

The ASEAN Community members will collaborate to allow more unrestricted movement of capital and labour in the region.


"Through the collective will and strong commitment of all member states, with the launch of the ASEAN Community, ASEAN will become a full-fledged politically cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible Community", according to ASEAN secretary-general H.E. Le Luong Minh.


"With a sense of belonging and identity among its citizens, the ASEAN Community has contributed significantly to the peace and stability in the region, towards greater regional prosperity that will ensure that all ASEAN peoples and the broader global community will have more opportunities and reap the benefits of ASEAN integration."


Along with the launch of the ASEAN Community, the 27th ASEAN Summit also saw the bloc's leaders issue the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on ASEAN 2015: Forging Ahead Together. Charting the path of the ASEAN Community for the next 10 years, the post-2015 vision articulates ASEAN's goals and aspirations as the regional grouping enters the next phase of consolidation, further integration and stronger cohesiveness as a Community.


As one of the ASEAN Community's three core pillars, the Asean Economic Community (AEC) aims to establish the 10 member bloc as a single market and production base. A key element will be the free flow of skilled labour and services, including into and out of Thailand.


BSA Law, a leading international law firm in Thailand, is advising the country's private sector businesses to familiarize themselves with the AEC and what it brings. "Whether they already have a company in operation or are looking at starting a business in Thailand, it's important for people to update themselves on the AEC ", said BSA Law spokesman Apisakdi Kongkangwanchoke.


BSA Law, like many other a Thai law firm, is specialized in advising and assisting business operators and the public in a range of areas such as Thai labour law and Thai law in general, tax consulting and auditing services and Thailand work permit and Thai visa service processes.


Downloadable from the ASEAN Secretariat's website is The ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Progress and Key Achievements publication, designed to be a quick and reader-friendly reference on the AEC. It explains the origin of the AEC, what it means, where it is now and what kind of benefits it brings, and also includes some success stories from around the region to illustrate the opportunities presented by the AEC to businesses, big and small.

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