A security system cannot effectively or efficiently operate with a surplus of part time security job officers, nor can the program operate with only full-time personnel.

A high structured system, with good supervision and training can successfully function with a higher proportion of part-time personnel than can a program operating on a more informal basis.

A workforce that consists of only part time security job officers cannot provide the continuity required for successful systems. Moreover, to keep the security staff informed requires constant attention and full-time employees can keep connected through regular exposure to the work environment and processes.

Ironically, the part time security jobs officers often possess higher qualifications in terms of experience and education, but are usually less productive. This situation can in large be traced to the fact that part-time employees generally do not bank on the part-time job for their main source of income. This does not indicate that part-timers are consciously not doing their best, but are not availablefor training and have lesser flexibility in scheduling. The part-timer should in most cases schedule training and working hours around another job or other interests.

Part time security jobs officers bring about an important need in most security departments and should be noticed as a management tool. Just as overtime is an effective management tool, likewise the part-time officer, when correctly employed, can fill a void, especially in terms of cost containment.

The ultimate goal is to employ part time security job officers who are not just competent, but who can readily lengthen the number of hours they can work in the week. Even better is the part timer who can change days or shifts at a quick notice. The result of using only full-time personnel is nearly always that of overstaffing. Rarely does the right staffing plan turn out to the divisible by 40 hours, or in other words, an even number of full-time equivalents.

Therefore, an extra officer is frequently added on a shift to provide the officer with a 40-hour week. Work can always be found for the officer, but it serves only to rationalize the schedule.

Furthermore, a staff of only full-time officers offers the department supervisor a slight choice to operate short staffed, or to use excessive amounts of overtime to fill shifts for absences due to vacations, holidays, sickness, and other absences. Thus, a proper balance of full and part time employees should beworked out.

In conclusion, compared to the full-time officer, the part timersmight not be well trained, motivated and informed. Proper deployment of part time staff is to intersperse their schedule with full-time officers.

Source : articlesbase.com


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