A child custody attorney is an expert in family law but who specializes in assisting his or her clients to negotiate cases that involve children. In almost all cases, child custody attorneys will come in to negotiate a settlement between couples who are divorcing or who have already divorced or separated and assist them to decide where the children will be staying and how their visitation will be handled. However, there are also cases where child custody attorneys will be called in a row between parents who have a child but have never been married.    Child custody is a term that basically refers to the custody and care of a child. It may not matter what the childcare arrangements were when the relationship or marriage was flourishing; in most cases disputes about child custody will definitely arise as soon as the couple decides to go separate ways. There are a few cases where the couple comes to an agreement on their own regarding when and how their children will spend time with each parent. However, in most cases, the child custody attorney will be required in order to drive in the details.   A child custody attorney will represent the interests of his client when deciding who should take the physical custody of the children by taking up child custody cases; this means where the child will be living. There are several types of child custody arrangements that include sole custody this is where one parent is given custody; shared custody refers to a situation where both parents are allowed to share physical custody which can be a 50/50 sharing or any other arrangement they will agree on. Legal custody refers to a parent's right to make any decisions for the child such as on matters of upbringing, education, and medical care.   When the other parent is given custody, the child custody attorney will help the other parent in negotiating for visitation rights. A good example is where a child is allowed to stay with one parent for most of the time but they are allowed to visit the other parent over the weekend; this is one of the most common forms of visitation arrangements. Through the help of both child custody attorneys, it is possible to create a visitation arrangement that will suit the unique needs of the couple and their children.   More often than not, couples will not agree easily on a visitation arrangement that will satisfy both parties even in cases where the best child custody attorneys have been involved. When this is the case, you may want to turn to mediators who will come in provide assistance or in other cases they will let a judge decide. When this is the case, the child custody attorney will work hard to build a good case for their client.

Source : articlesbase.com


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