The two types of commercial solar lighting systems include- off grid solar powered and grid solar powered. Off grid solar powered light systems provide enhanced benefits in comparison to grid light systems. With their application, you can meet the needs of your power supply efficiently. Here is the list of various advantages offered by off grid solar system-•    Ideal for the areas with no powerOff grids is an ideal choice for the brownout and blackout areas. Off grid solar power, light systems not only provide security but also safety of proper light functioning. Since they don't include grid, lights will glow even without electricity. It means you will not be dependent on electricity to illuminate your home or to run other electronically operated devices.  •    No high electric billsOff grid power installation don't use grid, this means you don't have to bear the cost of electric bills. Moreover, the introduction of LED fixtures has further reduced the maintenance cost of this setup largely. You simply need to bear maintenance of a standard solar lighting method that is for changing the battery at regular intervals. This cost varies from one model to the other depending on overall use. It is crucial to confirm about its back power or autonomy and maintenance schedule from the manufacturer before buying the system. The more autonomy, the more will be the life of batteries will last. So, other than battery you do not have to spend any money and good news is life of each battery is very long. Thus overall cost of this cost effective device is very microscopic. •    Easy installation This is another benefit of living off grid. These setup features easy installation. Unlike the traditional grid powered lighting the off grid solar light setup can be located wherever required. Whereas in grid powered lighting system you'll have to use existing infrastructure and poles, or costly trenching in order to put the power at the specific location. As off grid solar powered light setup comes with easy installation, and the cost of installation is very less. You can get entire system ready with few hours and start getting uninterrupted power supply from the next day itself. As discussed above, with off grid powered system in use light can be placed where it's required. Whether it's any dark area, a pathway where there isn't any electricity, off grid systems are installable at any location. These solar power systems do wonders even in shady areas and can be installed up to 40' to 110' from the light so that the panel gets proper exposure to full sun while light can be installed wherever needed. But you will need to make sure to buy the system from a reliable vendor, so that you can enjoy its potential benefits.

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