It's late, you come back from work after a long day. You're exhausted and the only thing you want to do is watching TV or getting on your laptop. You don't have the motivation to do the thing you know you should be doing to accomplish your goal, and just procrastinate…

Sounds familiar? Well you're experiencing what so much people are doing on a day to day basis and is one the reason why they'll be mediocre. To get out of this haze you need to start managing will-power. Will*power is what's going to make you do things, achieve, get things done. And at first when you learn about self-help you might tell yourself "Oh shit, I can actually do the things I want and accomplish my dreams", and you try to  implement those new things into your life. But when you come back from your day job, you can't get yourself to actually do it.

The key here is to understand that will-power is like a video game energy bar. When you start your day It is full and doing things is important, you feel like you're gonna everything you wanted to today. Then the more you engage in work, new habits, things that are not easy to do and where you can experience a lot of resistance; the more you consume that energy bar. When the end of the day comes, your will-power is down to zero and I don't care who you are and how much motivation you think you have, you won't be able to do those things you promised yourself to do.

Successful people are not necessarily the one who have more will-power, but they know how to manage it so they can do those important things before running out of it. Read this last sentence again. It is not that you have less motivation, it is that you haven't learned to channel it efficiently yet. And that's 99% of people and exactly why they become master in excuse making. Because on this planet there is a 100 freaking excuse makers for one guy who take action. But you don't have to be one of those If you apply this principle. The easiest way is to simply do the things that are important to you in order to achieve your goals. These things that matter the most and require your energy and creativity. Do those things first thing in your day. That's it.

You have a choice, keep doing what you've been doing and procrastinate while making excuses or just do it and thrive. What is it gonna be?


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