Here are 5 aspects to consider before you make this very important decision and change your life for the better. 

1. Therapy Opportunities: It is not enough to just get the addiction under control. You want to also make sure that you will not slip back into old habits. A drug rehab program that offers a comprehensive therapy treatment program is often the best way to go. Treating the issues that caused you to turn to drugs in the first place will make you way less likely to resort to drugs in the future. Before you sign up for any drug treatment program, make sure you have a clear idea of the kinds of therapy offered such as cognitive-behavioral or psychoanalytic and how often you will be meeting with your therapist. Therapy is a very important part of your recovery process, so make sure you get all the details before starting drug rehab. 

2. Recreational Activities: During drug rehabilitation, you will be doing the hard work of getting rid of your addiction. However, you still will want to relax and enjoy yourself. A good program will have healthy and fun recreational activities for you to enjoy such as sports or arts and crafts. These activities are also a good way for you to learn better ways to manage stress and anxiety. Get a list of the kinds of recreational activities offered and make sure there are opportunities to engage in things you like. This will make the experience of drug rehab more rewarding and enjoyable. 

3. Group Therapy:  Group therapy is very helpful when you are trying to overcome a drug addiction. Being able to listen to other people's struggles can offer insight into your own issues and help you to overcome them. You will also not feel as alone when you realize other people are also going through the same things. Check out how many times you will be meeting with a group and approximately how many people will be in that group. A smaller group will be less overwhelming and give each participant more time to speak. 

4. Medication Offerings: There are now different psychiatric drugs to help with drug dependence and underlying disorders such as anxiety and depression. A good drug rehab will have a good psychiatrist on site to help you manage your medications. A good medication regime will be useful as you recover from your drug addiction and get better. You want a routine that is going to be easy to stick to after you leave rehab. Entering drug rehab will also be a chance to make any adjustments to your medication to help you function better in the world outside of rehab. 

5. Creative Outlets: As you recover from your drug addiction, you will find yourself needing other outlets. Drug rehab programs might offer writing, art, dance or yoga as alternative creative outlets. These healthy outlets will help you build up your resources for dealing with stress in better ways. You can then take the tools you learned in rehab and apply them to your life after rehab. Being able to develop healthy coping habits will really serve you well to staying on the path of recovery. You also might discover talents and skills you never knew you had. 

These 5 tips will help you to choose an appropriate drug rehab in St Louis, MO  that can improve your life. 


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