Volunteering is a great and selfless activity no matter where or which field decide to volunteer in. It gives privileged individuals a chance to give back to the society. However, volunteering is not only about giving because the non tangible and non perishable experiences that you get in return definitely make the entire trip well worth your time. Here are a few things that you will receive when you volunteer in India with iSpiice:

1.     An introduction to a different tradition and culture

Being a multi ethnic country, you will find people following different lifestyles and religions in India. And the best part about India is that you will get to encounter numerous festivals of different kinds throughout the year. Also, the different parts of the country will allow you to experience different traditions and cultures. So, while you may experience a cultural shock at first, you will eventually blend in and love how different the country is.

2.     Immense attachment and affection

You will find the people in India to be extremely hospitable. This means that you will most likely instantly get attached with the people there and they will become like family. They will also help you out as much as possible, acquainting you with the different cultures and traditions. By the end of the volunteer program by iSpiice, the emotional attachment with the people and the country will be so strong that you will not be able to say goodbye.

3.     Experience

This one is pretty obvious. When you volunteer in India, you will get to meet other fellow volunteers and get a lot of opportunities to travel within the country. You will also get to meet a lot of locals and interact with them on a daily basis. This will give you a rich experience of everything that India has to offer and provide you with a chance to explore as much as possible.

4.     Memories

This is perhaps one of the most important things that you will take back home. While you are volunteering, you will most likely make a lot of friends, meet different people, taste different foods, and dance in the various festivals that come by. This will give you a lot of memories that you can then relive over and over again and share with your friends and loved ones. 

5.     Motivation

Upon arriving in a completely different country, you will most likely feel extremely motivated and excited to start working and making a difference in society. Truly, there is something completely phenomenal in traveling and doing something for the society in the process.

There is definitely something great about the whole volunteering experience and the best part about all of it is that you get to learn so much in the process. Therefore you should make the most of it when you go to volunteer in India.


Source : articlesbase.com


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