Are you slowly getting tired of work and drowning in work stress because it seems no matter what you do, or the efforts that you put in somehow success just won't come to you. People at work don't take your seriously, no matter how good a point you be making, while others who probably aren't as good as you are getting all the lime light. If this is your scenario, then there is something definitely going wrong, and chances are that something is you. Here is a list of unprofessional work habits that you may have that are the reasons of you not getting your day in the sun.

Profanity Is Your First Language

If you think using abusive language is cool and acceptable just because "we are all adults", then my friend you are so wrong. While no one can stop or might even care about you being foul mouthed out of the office, when at work it you better keep your mouth shut. Abusing just makes you seem like an unprofessional chap who just isn't cut off for the real thing.

Getting All Creepy And Touchy

If you constantly get frisky with colleagues or step way into their personal space then nothing can stop them from calling you a horrible co-worker. Nobody likes being stared at and made to feel uncomfortable. So please don't be a letch. Keep your distance and keep your eyes on your work and not on other people.

Liar, Liar

All lies must come to end, so why lie in the first place? You might find lying your way out of problems and difficult situations is the easiest thing to do, but honestly in the long run, it is the worst idea ever. For you will be caught out one day, and they day you are going to lose everyone's respect and maybe even your job. So be true!

Making Faces

Sometimes something your boss says might totally ruin your plans to be happy and enjoy work and in response you might make that not interested face or just roll your eyes thinking that your boss doesn't notice. But guess what, he does, and isn't too happy about your reaction. If such reactions from you are a daily thing, your boss is soon going to get tired and then forget him giving you any opportunities to grow at work.

Selfish Player

No I don't mean the womanizer player, I mean the team player, which you probably aren't, if you think yourself to be better than everyone else, and consciously alienate yourself from the others because you think they are simply not good enough. Nobody likes such a sour puss, and if you are one, trust me they are going to distance themselves from you, and won't give you opportunities to lead, because you clearly aren't a team player.

Take a moment and scrutinize your behavior at work, if any of these describe you, then make a change in your behavior ASAP.

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