Life often throws a curveball when you least expect it to. Sometimes

we are faced with difficult decisions, which can be potentially

life-changing. Some of us make our choices in times of trouble out of

sheer desperation. Yet, some of us are smarter and take decisions that

are well-informed and keep our cool.

But all of us face one thing and that is stress. Now, how do we cope

with stress and stay goal-oriented?

I don't know if the following 'fundas' will apply to all but these

things have certainly helped me in my experiences.


1) Never put all your eggs in one basket : Always have a plan B, C

and D. If one thing doesn't work out, don't fret over it and waste

your precious time and energy. Concentrate on the next. Surely, it

will be better because when one door closes another one opens and

although this sounds clichéd, if the first thing did not work out it

was probably not meant to be. You were made for bigger, better things.


2) Never think that your entire life depends on one thing: This causes

unnecessary tension and hinders the mind's ability to concentrate. In

today's world, there are a plethora of options available so go out

there and grab them.


3) Don't believe in farcical predictions, forecasts, horoscopes etc :

This might offend a lot of people but I've found that putting your

faith in external things over which we have no control gets you

nowhere. This is your life, so take control and make things happen

rather than poring over daily horoscopes in the newspapers. No one can

affect or tell your future but yourself.


4) Be well informed: Always stay abreast of current developments. Stay

in touch with people from different walks of life. Wisdom and

knowledge is not acquired solely through books. Be aware of what is

happening around you and NEVER shy away from taking help from those

around you. This will definitely help you in making decisions that are

well-informed ones.


5) Stay cool: Staying calm even when you are under tremendous pressure

is a skill which has to be learnt. It helps especially when we have to

put our minds to work. Stress to us is like kryptonite to superman.

Try to distract yourself when you feel your mind is going on the

negative track by listening to music, talking to friends or simply

doing something you love.


6) Be ambitious: Do not lower your standards even if the situation

demands you to. Stay focused on your goals and work at getting there.


7) Have faith: Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Don't ever,

EVER lose faith.


Success stories that we all hear are not made out of fluff. Successful

people have worked hard to get where they are in life and offer a lot

to learn. It helps to have a role model who inspires and motivates us

to do better. It also helps to be around positive people and to stay

in a positive state of mind. This is conducive for our own

productivity. So, remember to stay hungry and stay smart. A famous

writer (any guesses?) once said that if there is something that we

really, truly desire, the entire universe conspires to take us to our

destination. So keep the faith.

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