Solar Energy - The need of the hour

Today solar energy is the catch word that is catching up with the people of countries where energy resources are dwindling or have not totally exploited the available energy resources to the fullest possible. Besides, the energy resources we utilize to light up our homes or run factories and industries or simply put light up the nation itself is causing alarming levels of pollution and global warming thus harming the human lives and as well affecting our natural resources to dwindle or become scarce.

This has made the nations to think on alternate resources of renewable energy that is cheaper to produce and unpolluted. And when they looked up at the sky, they saw the brilliant radiance of the sun in all its glory and splendor. Thus was born the concept of solar energy. Today, solar energy has come to stay as a strong alternate renewable energy resource. Harmless, non-polluting and cheaper to produce are the hallmarks of solar energy.

Today, there is not a country in the world which is not using the solar energy as renewable energy resource.

How is this solar energy used? 

Radiating energy from the sun above is captured and stored in batteries so that they can be used during no-sunny days or simply put nights. Non-polluting renewable energy resources are generated using biomass, wind, sun and water. A photovoltaic cell or simply put solar cell is a semiconductor device that consists of a large-area p-n junction diode that produces electrical energy taking sunlight as its resource. This is called photovoltaic effect. The solar cell research is what we call as photovoltaic.

From handheld calculators to mindboggling satellites solar energy is being used. Even poor households are using solar energy to light up their homes, heat water through solar water heaters, and cook their food through solar cookers. This way, poor people can save a lot on their electrical bills. Besides, the use of solar energy can contribute to the cleaner and greener environment. Threat of global warming could be drastically reduced. 

Solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar calculators, solar energy lighting up the homes, solar heaters for swimming pools, solar heaters for rooms, solar streetlights and a whole lot of factories and industries running on solar energy is the need of the hour today.

On that count, India needs to go a long way in harnessing solar energy to its optimum capabilities.

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