Existential needs, comfortable wants and luxurious amusement for life and growth are creating new technology, systems, process, jobs, products; service .Maximum people of existential needs are leading their life without comfortable wants. People of comfortable wants are leading their life with hankering of luxurious amusement, but due to lack of scope they are compromised with their hankering tend. People of existential needs are larger part of population; nationally and internationally. Economically basic things for life and growth are food, cloth and shelter. Consumption of more and rich food, cloth and shelter will help to produce more various productions and services, and invite continuous transaction of products and services nationally and globally. Therefore, vital cause of recession is less purchasing power of various products and services as well as less hankering towards comfortable wants and luxurious amusement of larger part of population.

Now it is challenge for attraction intelligent governing people of any country to improve the purchasing capacity as well as inspire to hankering for comfortable wants amongst people of existential needs. Some steps for improving the purchasing capacity as well as inspire to hankering for comfortable wants amongst people of existential needs are cited below.

1-Improve entrepreneurship amongst them as per natural resources available in their area by the guidance of concern departments of Government and sponsored by Bank.

2- Large and Medium factories would promote co-operative  small industries amongst the surrounding people by own investment as per  natural resources available there or as per various  material required for running the large and medium industry which are purchased from other small industries..

3-Teachers would inspire students to become one-man entrepreneur or create employee management system industry amongst students for engagement.Governemnt would frame the law accordingly.

4-Peachers of all communities would reform the wallows towards comfortable wants and inspire for improving living standard in term of birthright of every one.

5-Create private irrigation for cultivation and power energy.

6- All technical departments of Government like – Cultivation, Irrigation, vetnary, forest, MV, etc. to be reformed to privatization for improving the entrepreneurship amongst large population of people and reduce expenditure of government.

Above simple economical reformation  facilitate to continuing more and more to group of luxurious amusement; create scope for comfortable wants to become luxurious amusement; like that, group of existential needs become hankering towards comfortable wants. Import and export of products and services would not affect to any nation. This is called real tolerance amongst worldwide all caste, creeds and communities.

Source : articlesbase.com


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