Christmas eve is  just 3 weeks away and now is the perfect time to make sure you are organised and ready for the big day so all festivities go smoothly.  Christmas is often one of the busiest times of the year for most with not only work deadlines but home too , it's easy to miss something in the hectic run up!Here is a list of handy reminders to help Christmas go without a hitch this year.

  • Check the postage dates for any cards and presents you are mailing and make sure you are stocked up on packaging boxes , gift wrap , tape , cards  and stamps well in advance.

  • Wrap your gifts as you go , doing a few at a time as you buy them is much easier to manage than being left with a huge pile to wrap on Christmas eve.

  • Check your recipes . make sure you have shopped for anything that you intend on making for the big day to avoid being caught out.

  • Get your cake in the oven now! You should have been soaking your fruit for a month already now make sure that the cake is baked and packed into a cake packaging box ready to be fed brandy until it's time to decorate.

  • Cook for the freezer. make any dishes that can be cooked in advance and frozen now to save yourself time on the day.  Great dishes to freeze are bread sauce , cranberry sauce , gravy , yorkshire puddings and mince pies.

  • Stock up on food packaging boxes for all the items you will be freezing in advance as well as neat storage of the leftovers.

  • Buy nibbles and non perishables as you go, a couple of extra items a week to avoid a mad rush at the last minute.

  • Make sure that you have AT LEAST 1 chair , 1 set of Cutlery, 1 plate , 1 glass  and 1 Cracker for each guest attending it may sound basic but it catches people out all the time.

  • Get the kids to sort their toys into charity and bin piles everything for charity ,seal into packaging boxes and send off to make way for the new toys to be put into a home straight away and avoid cluttering the house.

  • Order the meat! Whatever you are having, Turkey, Ham , Beef make sure that you have ordered it or brought for the freezer way in advance to ensure that you get the size , cut and quality that you want.

  • Mulled wine can be mulled in advance ready just to be warmed as wanted , this will mature and taste even better.

  • Check the tree decorations and lights well in advance so any that are damaged can be repaired/replaced in advance and you can avoid having a half dressed tree and a lot of grumpy faces when guests arrive.

Above all else remember that Christmas is a time for family and if anything does go wrong the world won't end, it will just be one more thing to laugh together about next Christmas. Merry Christmas.

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