At last, your product is ready to hit the market. It has survived the development process and it is now on the way to hit the market. 'Commercialization' is the process of or cycle of introducing a new product or production method in the market. In this stage, the product is launched, advertisements and promotional activity start, and the distribution pipeline is filled with the product. The actual launch of a new product is the final stage of new product development and the one, where the most money will have to be spent for advertising, sales promotion, and other marketing efforts. Before a commercialization plan can be developed and implemented, it must be driven by an overall commercialization strategy. By taking a strategic approach to your commercialization phase, you will be better positioned to be successful with your new product launch. The gimmick of commercialization phase should not contain a lot of financial detail or "how to" only, but it must  be customer centered like how the users will be benefited with it and more. In order to plan a commercialization process, you can either do it yourself or you can hire a consultancy firm, who will study the market and prepare the strategy according to your product and budget. For instance, if you are a pharmaceutical manufacturing firm and have manufactured a novel medical device technology, the scheme prepared by medical products commercialization services will make your product launch a grand success. As they study the entire market, do the analysis and prepare the report like in which location your device is required most, which age group will use it on a regular basis, and several other related questions; the whole plan bears fruitful results in the end. A failed product launch can be disastrous from a financial perspective and to the reputation of the product's brand in the marketplace. So, before you invest all your time, effort, energy, and resources in introducing your new product into the market, take a breath, stop and give yourself a moment to learn what has been working for millionaire after millionaire.To aggrandize your chances for success, you need to be thoughtful in developing the strategies for your new product. Customers are not buying a product - they are buying what that product does for them. Customers don't typically buy a product because they fall in love with the technology. Customers buy the satisfaction of needs. Therefore, the commercialization of your product must clearly mention how that need will be satisfied.

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