Since recent events that have been reported in the news, more and more people are becoming aware of how easily a facility can catch fire. For the most part, people assume fire to be like any other tragedy - something that happens to other people. Unfortunately, the reality could not be any farther from the truth. The occurrences of fires are becoming more and more commonplace and the only smart response to these kinds of incidents is preparing yourself and your home in a much better way so that any potential fire emergencies can be handled much more easily. Ensuring that you have sufficient measures in place to prevent fires not only makes your home a dozen times safer, but it also gives you invaluable peace of mind, especially if a fire emergency is something you have been fretting about in recent times. Fire-rated doors in UAE are certainly an excellent way to control and contain hot flames, but there are also many other things you can do to ensure that your home is as fire proof as it could possibly be. Here they are as follows: 1. Smoke Alarms: Although many buildings in this part of the world are supposed to come with in built smoke alarms, if you are currently residing in a much older building or are building your own home, be sure to install smoke alarms as soon as possible. There are several advantages to smoke alarms. Even the high quality ones are affordable, and it can also be possible to obtain smoke alarms for free from your nearest fire station. Once you get your smoke alarm (although we recommend more than one) you should make sure that you carry out installation properly, and then test them. Testing should be done on a regular basis. You should also make sure that you are placing them in the right spot in your home. 2. Fire-rated Doors and Dampers: Fire doors and dampers prevent the spread of fire. Specifically, fire dampers prevent the spread of fire through AC ducts. Using fire-rated doors in UAE is not something every resident thinks about while building their home. If you live in a building then this situation may not be up to you, so try your best to move to a building that does take maintenance and fire safety seriously.Fire-rated doors in UAE undergo a heavy amount of testing and are made from strong and durable materials that are fire resistant. If you are in the market for fire rated doors for your home, then be sure you are buying a fire rated product by looking for the manufacturer number, the date of the door as well as its fire rating. The higher the better! 3. Remove or reduce potential hazards: Make your home or building healthier for everyone by making sure to smoke outside. Smoking indoors is a definite fire and health hazard. This is one of the most common causes for house fires and can significantly reduce the chances of such a disaster from taking place. Keep flammable materials away from the stove at all times, and never leave it unattended if on. 4. Obtain a fire extinguisher and fire blanket: If your precautions fail, you need to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Invest in fire safety items like blankets and extinguishers and you can help keep many people safe in a scary situation.In a worst case scenario, you don't want to waste any time while escaping an emergency situation. Prepare a bag filled with identifying documents, important papers, clothes and cash that can tide you over for a few days if the worst happens. Preventing fires is very important, but being able to handle them is even more so.

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