Linux is a free and open source UNIX like operating system with the Linux kernel being the defining component. Windows10, on the other hand, is a personal computer operating system which is released by the Microsoft and it belongs to the Windows NT family operating systems. Windows 10 is an improved version of Windows which looks aesthetically better and has new added features but still Linux is considered to be a better option as a desktop operating system than Windows 10.

The Importance of Linux

  • Linux is a free, open –source, omnipresent operating system and canoperate on a vast range of hardware including both processor types and system types. Forexample, it can run on cell phones, game machines, notebook computers, supercomputers and even some wristwatches and so has huge demand in the market. As a result it is worth investing in a Linux course to gain appreciable knowledge of this operating system.
  • Linux provides open source software, absolutely free of cost. Hence getting software with the Linux server is so much easier.
  • The speed and efficiency of performing task are equal to that of Microsoft windows.
  • Low resource is required for the Linux operating system. After a few years Windows hangs as your computer ages and it demands more resources such as RAM. This slows down the system. The Linux operating system would hardly experience slow load time as it needs less resources.

The Advantages of Linux over Windows 10

  • Cost:This is a very important point. Linux is free and can be installed in a number of computers. On the other hand Microsoft products like Windows 10 are expensive and can be installed on a single computer.   
  • Security:The security feature of Linux is much stronger than that of Windows 10. Extra money is usually spent on antivirus softwares to offer protection to the Windows 10.  Despite all the recent improvements made with Windows security, its desktop is still prone to attacks on the web.
  • Choice (Freedom):Linux offers a lot of freedom to its users. Almost every aspect of the operating system can be controlled in Linux. Two major features that can be controlled are the appearance of the desktop and the kernel. This is not the case with the Windows 10 where you have to use the default desktop theme or the system can get corrupted by installing a third-party shell.
  • Software:Linux software are incorporated with more features and usability than those on Windows10  The greatest advantage is that the Linux software is free and can be used to alter the source code and add more features if you are well versed with the programming language. On the other hand the software for the Windows 10 operating system is expensive and cannot modify each and every aspect of Windows 10.
  • Hardware: Linux is ideal for those old computers with hardly any processing power or memory. You could install Linux in them and use it as a backup server, firewall or file server. Such possibilities do not stand with the Windows 10.

Thus due to the myriad advantages of Linux as an operating system over Windows 10, it is increasingly gaining popularity in the modern age. Windows10 can be a very good operating system for the beginners, inefficient and the lazy people. Whereas for a competent, hardworking and a sincere programmer, no operating system could be better than Linux. Thereby, to become a proficient software architect or developer and get a high paid job in some reputed company, knowledge of Linux is absolutely necessary and it can be gained by doing a Linux course.

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