For untold scores of users, WordPress remains the top choice as a blogging platform. The user-friendly, feature-packed nature of the WordPress platform contributes greatly to its popularity. A host of entrepreneurs based in Singapore find WordPress' blogging platform to be a huge help with marketing their wares. Of course, anyone who is new to promotional blogging might have a lot of questions about how to navigate a WordPress platform. To make sure all posts are published properly, enrolling in a comprehensive WordPress course in Singapore would be extremely beneficial.

The Basics Mean A LotProperly configuring the WordPress setting for posts is among the helpful basics covered in the class. Assigning the desired author name to posts might seem a little basics, but it surely would not be desirable to have the wrong name connected to the post. An entrepreneur who is looking to effectively brand him or herself in the market is not going to benefit from posts made by "Admin".

No, the name of the entrepreneur has to be clearly and definitively connected to the posts. If not, than he/she will not be associated with the attraction marketing the blog entry is engaging in. There a lot of other setting issues to think about.

Effectively Categorize Posts

A would-be customer may become incredibly impressed with something written on the blog. The reader's interest may be so piqued, he/she wants to read additional posts on similar subjects. Have all the posts been properly categorised? If not, then the reader would be tasked with having to fish through all the different entries on the blog. Does anyone think a visitor is going to look at the titles to every blog entry over the past three years to find relevant ones? That is just not going to happen. With a better understanding of how WordPress settings work, all the posts could be categorised correctly and with the most logical and searchable tags. 

Seemingly simple steps such as these are often overlooked by novices because no one ever showed them why the steps are important. After completing a formal class on how to use each and every WordPress setting, a newbie will get the most out of the platform and not make gross errors of omission.

How Do The Pages Look?

Landing on a blog page that displays entries that go on forever is neither good for the reader nor the blog publisher. The reader is not going to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to discover the 17th entry.

Adjusting the settings to display an appropriate number of blog entries per page is another one of those "little steps" that has big results. So does the colour scheme and images selected for the background. 

The font used to spell out the title of the blog should draw out a positive reaction from the reader. In short, how the landing page and the subsequent pages look must keep the reader engaged. Only through understanding how the settings work can this desirable outcome be achieved.

The Formal Learning Process

WordPress settings are not hard to learn how to tweak. Getting the most benefit from the available settings becomes a lot easier when taught how to do so in a formal class. Why not make things easier and enrol in a well-planned WordPress class in Singapore today?

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