It was way back in the year 2000 when mobile marketing started spreading out its tentacles. Since then, reaching out to the masses has become immensely popular through mobile phones. The phenomenon has made a significant impact on the business approach in modern times.

At the outset, a superfluity of SMS spamming left a bad impression on users and entrepreneurs alike. Such as it is with all new products (or services), they usually get a beating and are subject to abuse in the initial times. Apparently, a lot of bulk SMS providers sold off their wares to the wrong people which created a nuisance.


Transformation of Mobile Bulk SMS

Now there are stringent laws and policies which restrict the abuse of bulk messaging. It was only a few years from now that many businesses and the world have comprehended the potential of this service. The MMA (mobile marketing association) and the IAB (interactive advertising bureau) have set border lines which keep everything in legal constraints and for the intended audience only.

  • Mobile SMS Marketing has now emerged victorious
  • It is become into a multi-billion industry
  • It is the simplest way of advertising
  • The popularity has increased over the years due to potential and affordability


Short Codes SMS

Short code SMS services came into sight in America, and the very first campaign commenced in 2002. The short code SMS protocol endows you (or an organisation) with immense capability and portrays your message with a powerful single short code. This functionality is highly opposed to a regular SMS message where users have to compose an entire message in 160 characters.

  • Short codes are primarily effective for providers of a particular region which are then utilized for marketing campaigns. Shorts codes are highly evocative of their moniker and are easy to memorize – just because they are short!
  • Once the user has initiated the short code SMS setup, it depends on him to abide by the standards set by the IAB and MMA.
  • Just as short code users, normal bulk SMS users also must conform to the rules laid for email marketing. Moreover, they are also subject to dual opt-ins, promotional decrees and related characteristics.

Marketing via mobile has transformed into one of the safest ways to expand trade and commerce. However, it is always best to verify the legal aspects with a provider about lawful ways of promotion before setting up a campaign. Always make sure of acquiring a demo account from your service provider before purchasing. Cheers!

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