Cherry pickers are aerialwork platforms (AWP) which fall into the category of mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP). They are situated at one extreme of a hydraulic lifting system and usually a bucket or a man bucket is affixed on the platform and so they are also known as man lifts. Thus they are designed in such a way that a human can stand on the platform to work at locations situated at heights. They are often mounted on a large vehicle or are self-moving. These are used in orchards, fixing cables and poles, mining and construction, and in fire trucks. They are either powered using diesel engines or use electrical power via batteries.

Cherry Picker Training is a training course aimed at training people at using and handling cherry pickers. There are various types of courses which cover wide range of equipment. These courses generally train according to the guidelines provided by International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and are carried on by qualified professionals. The training is usually a day long which covers theory, practical and test sessions. The practical sessions are taught and are supposed to be practised on the access machines provided by the association which is offering the training. Generally, the trainees who pass through the test successfully, are provided with a certificate and an IPAFlicence which is known as a Powered Access License(PAL) card, valid for some defined number of years, normally five years.

The theoretical training usually includes aspects like definitions and differences between various models and types of cherry pickers, legal norms, component details and safety measures. The practical training usually includes aspects like site safety, understanding the responsibility, requirements, legal norms, stability, daily checks, maintenance, handling hydraulics, manoeuvring, recharging and daily checks.

It is recommended that the trainees should undergo training every few years to renew their licences and learn the new advancements, technicalities or minute detailing.

Other training courses related to cherry pickers like harness courses and inspection courses are also carried out. Harness courses aims at imparting knowledge about correct and safe usage of harnesses. It includes aspects like harness selection, harness fitting, harness inspection, lanyard selection, lanyard fitting, lanyard inspection, risk assessments, rescue plans and legislations. This is usually a half day course. The inspection course is a one day long course which is aimed at providing knowledge about how to inspect harness correctly and in a standardised way. As it is legally required to inspect a harness every six months, this course qualifies the trainees to undertake all these inspections while taking care of all the minute details.

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