The left tells me that because I want the pledge of allegiance to have the "Under God" remain in it, and I want our kids to recite every day at school that I am a radical religious nut case. They tell me that because I want god to remain in the school system I am a dinosaur.

I hear it almost every day that I need to move on to defend more important things. Also, that I need to become a better writer and that part I can agree with. I will get that taken care of. I am no religious zealot or nut case I just don't see what it hurts for that to remain in the school system.

We have to cater to everybody but the Americans in our school system. We can't have "Under God" in our pledge of allegiance because it might hurt somebodies feelings. What about the people who come from the United States, it's our pledge of allegiance and only we should decide if it is changed.

I personally couldn't care less who it offends I worry about the American people. This should offend any real American persons to the core. If you choose to come to the United States and go to our schools then don't expect us to change them for you.

Expect yourself to learn our ways and why we believe those ways are right for this country. I would never be pretentious enough to think that you should change the way you believe, but you should know the way of the United States and not whine that you have to learn it.

I believe the power of but I do not believe in indoctrination in the school system. We should give the kids enough information to make an educated decision about who they are and what they want to be. But we should never expect them to be anything less than individual human beings.

They should be given all the tools that they need to make this decision because it will affect the rest of their lives. I guess this makes me a religious zealot or a nut case, but you should know that I am OK with that this is how I think and how I will always think.

I'm not on the corner with a sign in my hand trying to make you believe in things that you don't like, or even want to believe in. I would never tell you that you should believe in god if you don't want to. The United States is a free country.

We have the freedom of religion in this country. That means that you can't force me to believe in a religion or a cult that I don't want to believe in. The same applies to you and your people. I am glad o listen to your opinion about life, religion or the government.

My opinion on the "Under God" in the pledge is not only my opinion. Yes our schools need help, our kids need to get a grip on learning and why they need to do it. But it should not be at the expense of learning about the United States and why we are who we are in the grand scheme of things.

We don't need to be more like some other country, we need to be more like the United states used to be. I do believe that the United States is an exceptional country.

I know because this because my wife came here from another country because she believes that she can do better and make more of herself in the United States.

No, it doesn't mean that she hates her country, it is much the opposite, but she knows that she can't do the things that she wants to do the way that she wants to do them in her country. That is why the United States is an exceptional country, and that is what most people come here.

I will never say a bad word about a person who come to this country legally and for the right reasons.

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