It is very important to get your dog neutered. Dogs that are neutered usually live longer and do not develop some conditions and diseases, such as cancer. Dogs which are neutered or sprayed usually do not wander away from their home.

If you have a dog you have to learn to read all the signs that your dog is sending you. Dogs cannot speak unfortunately, so you must learn how to read their body language. If your dog does not feel comfortable when it is around other people, or other dogs then you should not insist, but you should leave your dog on its own. If dogs are made to do something they do not feel comfortable with they can become easily aggressive. Always be prepared for anything, and let your dog lead you. Learn all the non verbal signs that your dog might be sending you.

Dogs should not take medications that are meant for people. Always keep away your medicine out of reach. If your dog takes any pills they may have devastating consequences for your pet. If something like this happens I suggest you to seek professional help. Call your veterinarian right away.

Every time your dog behavescorrectly you should praise it. This way your dog will realize that you are proud any time it follows your lead. It can be something simple, like sitting when you are putting its leash or staying still while you are putting food in its plate. Dogs are very smart. They will soon learn that you are praising a certain action so they will do it more often.

Healthy diet is very important if you want to take care of your dog the right way. Talk to a professional about how much it should eat. Sometimes the labels of the package cannot be appropriate for your dog`s needs. You might end up with an overweighed dog. The only person that knows it best is your vet.

If you decide to take care of a dog, then you should really take care of it. Avoid cheap food because it is full with ingredients which are harmful for your dog, such as additives or preservatives. These ingredients can only endanger your dog`s health. You can find a list of foods which are good for your dog, because only from the right kind of food your dog will get all its benefits.

If you are not keeping your dog inside, or it spends most of the time outside and you just let it to sleep inside, then it should have a good house. Dogs do not want anything fancy. They need a small house that will protect them for different weather conditions. You can buy one or if you want and you can, then you can build one. Your dog needs shelter and you are the one that needs to provide it.

If you decide to get a shelter dog, then you need to take it to the vet before you bring it home to your kids. There are different diseases in shelters so your new family member needs to get few shots before.

Use these information and tips so you and your dog will be enjoying more time together.

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