Everyone in the world knows that Sikhs are one of the most jubilant and cheerful people. They have a very heart warming and welcoming personality. This is precisely why one can see that in every ceremony, festival, or rituals they take part in has a feeling of liveliness. If one has attended any Sikh wedding, they would know they are such amazing to watch. The most important thing about the Sikhs is that they embrace everything and everyone. Their wedding ceremonies are the real reflection of what they truly are. This is also why the wedding cards they design are also very special and unique.  Here are the things one would like to learn about the wedding cards for Sikhs.

The Signs Displayed on the Wedding Cards

Wedding invitation cards of every religion have something unique about them. The religion or community of the person can be identified with the symbols on the wedding cards. No matter whether one is looking at the unique style of Sikh wedding card, certain symbols pertaining to their traditions and religion will always be there. Each symbol has some special meaning or significance. One will get to see the Khanda and the Ek Onkar symbols on the their cards. The truth is that these symbols can be seen at all the holy places that belong to Sikhs.

Sikh Cards are More Embellished

There is one thing that no one can fail to notice about the Sikh cards – it is the embellishment that they come up with. While it cannot be said that every Sikh wedding is royal, but one can still confidently say that their ceremonies are quite elaborate and somewhat ostentatious. Someone who has attended a Sikh wedding would know that the kind of grandeur they display is truly unbeatable. But still, one also cannot deny the Sikhs are quite rooted in their traditions and therefore unique style of Sikh wedding card will also show the same.

Understanding the Content on the Sikh Card

Sikhs are pretty specific about the content that is displayed on the wedding invitation cards. As already mentioned, the Sikhs are quite cheerful and the liveliness is reflected in every aspect of their life – even in the wedding cards. A good card designer is the one who truly understand the needs of the Sikhs and has the knowledge of how the Sikh weddings go. The content of the card includes the symbols as mentioned above. Aside from the required details, they also have small excerpts from the Guru Grantha Sahib – their holy book. 

Getting the Right Card Designer for Sikh Wedding

As already established, the Sikhs are unique and so there cards should also be unique. Not everyone may be able to understand how their wedding cards need to be designed. Therefore, it is important to hire someone who has the knowledge of these wedding cards and has the right kind of experience in designing. There are many card makers on the internet. Those looking for various designs and templates for wedding cards for Sikhs may explore these websites.


Source : articlesbase.com


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