Have you ever come across any ungrateful person? They are the most non motivating people one can come across. They can neither be happy nor surprised at anything because they demand more than what reality can avail. They focus more on what they want than the feelings of the person who will provide it.At times dealing with them feels like fainting because whenever they don't say "thank you", they seem to be sucking up all the little energy one has left. Sometimes serving them feels like mopping a floor that is in a middle of a desert storm because as you mope, the storm soils the floor with dust all over again and it feels like you are doing nothing.But like two sides of the coin, there are those people who are grateful for every little work you do for them. They are always happy for any contribution you make in their life weather be it small or big. These are the people who have worked for their superiors and have been thanked. They clearly know the fulfilling sense one gets when their work is appreciated even though their wages are low.You would be surprised at what change you would make in the world by appreciating others. When you show me an ungrateful person, I will show you a person who was never affirmed by his/her parents for their efforts. Therefore such people grow up knowing no value of appreciation. As a result, it shows up at the work place and many other social areas in their lives. Parents have got a big role to play in our social life most especially about what we will be when we are still growing up.To balm the pain of thanklessness, one can deal with ungrateful people by carefully following the ideas below;One should guard his heart against any form of bitterness when they have not been appreciated for their efforts in other words, one should determine his or her course of action before the adversity and this must be a positive one.Then, one should focus his/her attention on what they are supposed to do. They usually say that "focus is blind" therefore when you make up your mind to only focus on what you are doing, you will not have a chance of thinking about any other thing apart from what you are doing until you complete it. Remember when there is more than one focus, the vision becomes blurredFurther still, make sure that you finish whatever you are supposed to accomplish in the best way possible that you can because that will be a success for you already.At all times, be the first to appreciate yourself for it is an assurance that you are progressing. There will be no need for anybody else to convince you about anything because you already fill it in the inside your heart.Last but not least, try to be what you want the ungrateful people to become. You must appreciate the fact that such people need help in one way or another however much they may not accept it openly. Some of them do it unintentionally because of the way they were brought up. They were not shown love!Therefore try to have a positive attitude, take a step and appreciate their efforts and concerns however much they don't do the same to yours.The world needs people who can make a differenceWho knows that one day, such people will come to realize how unloving they have been towards othersBe a foundation of change today.

Source : articlesbase.com


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