Technology has changed completely. With different inventions and introduction of platforms, apps, and new concepts everyday life has become easy and simple. Recording and Voice over industry has its own place in the market where the demand for artists is still there despite of advancement in the technology. Technology has replaced many traditional and older ways of recording with the latest and modern ways such as ISDN.ISDN is the abbreviation of Integrated Services Digital Network. It provides better quality of recordings for the usage by the most talented artist in the industry. Many studios prefer ISDN voice overs. Meaning of ISDNISDN is a digital phone connection system which provides the facility of studio recordings. They can be linked, transmitted and shared around anywhere in the world using digital lines. The qualities of these records are par better than the traditional recording system. ISDN is a connection between the voice over artist and the client. The digital connection provides real time recording to the client sitting at the some other studio which is different from the artist. ISDN is very famous in the industry where voice over is required. It has many advantages and also is available at reasonable prices.Benefits of ISDN voice recording•Confidence and dedication: Getting an ISDN line involves several complicated steps. Once the artist gets an ISDN line he will remain dedicated towards his work as he can easily demonstrate his talents to his clients through it. It ensures easy process for the client as well as the artist to record through an ISDN line. It also builds trust and confidence between the artist and the client.•Quick casting of voice over:Casting is a tedious and important process. The client has to arrange and schedule for auditions, get applications from the artists, select the right artist in the audition etc. This becomes a very long and time consuming process. ISDN eliminates this process and saves time and energy of the client and makes the casting process easier and fast.•Flexibility: ISDN provides flexibility as compared to traditional recording methods. It offers flexibility of time and place for the artist as well as the client. They just need to fix a schedule and enjoy the recording.• Consistent connection: ISDN voice helps in building better relationships between the artist and the client. ISDN offers different services and facilities that can benefit both the parties. Also ISDN offers consistent digital connection with good quality recording.How does an ISDN voice recording work?It is a cost effective method used by many production companies as well as voice recording artists. It saves time and expense of both the parties. It is a telecommunication network that uses digital connection to form a link between the artist and the production company. Audio, digital computer data, video anything can be recorded and transferred using this method. It also offers other facilities like call waiting, caller identification, conferencing, call back etc. ISDN is connected with your telephone line. The overhead wires are configured for this service to transmit the data.

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