Egyptian hairstyles were very much dependent on the wealth, age and social crowd the individual resided in. Both women and men would have shoulder-length hair or hair cut short to the scalp or even clean shaven heads. Though, a shaven head was worn by young adults before they become of age (to be classified as men), they would leave a small curl in the side of their head, named 'The Lock of Youth', to represent their age. Then they would have a choice of long hair or short. Young girls wore braids, plaits or sometimes ponytails. The women and older men would wear wigs to hide the greyness of it or lack of hair. Due to hair being bare to the sun the wig would help shield the Egyptian's hair from sun damage.


To compare from the Egyptians, old Greece hairstyles where drawn back into a bun style and was grown much longer. Many styles involved braiding the hair and fixing it to the head and decorating the hair with ribbons, flowers, headbands and pieces of metal. Blonde hair was very rare and therefore many women tried dying their hair blonde and also red. Ancient Greece hairstyles also involved sprinkling Gold dust into the hair. Men would have short or shaved hair and they would grow beards if they were not a soldier.


Modest hairstyles would entail women to wear their hair down and confine it from the face by using a band circling the head. Young girls wore a simple chignon at the base of the neck. Yet, in the reign simple hairstyles changed and thorough hairstyles came into fashion. In Ancient Rome hairstyles developed into being an expression of a person's identity as much as it is today and again the style determined the person's wealth, status and age. For women, their hair specified how wealthy and attractive she was. In early Roman times, men would have long hair and full beards but this changed to them having short hair and clean-shaven faces.

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