If you want to avoid the same failures the public school system is experiencing, finding a high quality Altadena preschool will play a huge part in that noble effort. Besides the educational aspect of preschool, you may also want to consider the social aspect. There is no question that your children will eventually have to deal with their peers. Isn't it best they learn how to do so properly and in a safe environment?

The Well-Adjusted Child

Raising children is hard. Raising normal, well-adjusted children is harder. A correction too far one way can cause problems but, then again, so can too little correction. So, what is a parent to do? How do you help your child become the absolute best person they can be? One thing you can do is find a school whose teachers are willing to work with you to help your child achieve their potential. A good school is one in which there is constant feedback between teachers and parents. Parents should feel comfortable talking with the teachers about behavior problems they are dealing with at home and teachers should feel comfortable talking with parents about behavior problems they are seeing at school. When both teachers and parents come together in an effort to help the child, miracles are possible. 

Understanding Childhood Defects

While Dr. Maria Montessori was developing her method, it came to her attention that many children have, what she called, "defects of character." This in no way implied that these children were bad or were incapable of socialization, it simply meant that some combination of factors had come together to create a certain set of obstacles the child had to overcome in order to become socialized. The most important observation she made about these defects was that, if they were not addressed between the years of 0 to 3, they often got worse and persisted into adulthood. A large job of the school then, she decided, was noticing and addressing these defects. 

An Honest Picture

One sign a school is interested in your child's all-around well-being is that they ask you what seem like very personal questions about your child and his or her home life. Often, these questions include things like whether they have any special medical considerations (premature birth, diseases, allergies, major surgeries), whether they have gone through any trauma (loss of a parent, scary experiences, etc.), and how they behave and are disciplined at home. While it may be tempting to paint a perfect picture, for the sake of your child, opt to paint an honest one. The more information a Montessori school has about your child, the more they can help him or her. No home is perfect. All the teachers know that. What everyone admires is a parent who can put pride aside and form part of a cohesive unit with the teachers who are caring for their child.

Strong and Weak Defects

In Dr. Montessori's work, she divided defects into two categories: strong and weak. Through observation she saw there were children who were programmed to challenge and overcome unfavorable conditions and others who simply succumbed to their plight. In your first group you have children with violent tendencies and in the other are the children with tendencies to cry, cling, and be constantly bored. With a little help from an Altadena preschool, however, these obstacles can be erased and a child's happiness increased.

Source : articlesbase.com


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