Nicole Rose, one of the most sought after actresses in New York City recently interviewed for her upcoming role in the feature film, The Meltdown, a prose piece, written and directed by Wanda McKiver and produced by OminiVision Studios, Incorporated.  She was asked, the question the masses have now created a movement about, "What is a meltdown, or What does The Meltdown mean to you?"  This question had to be addressed, for it seems to mean so much to different people.

She simply and intelligently responded, and with her keen knack for words and her ability to articulate her passion for the project, stated, "The Meltdown means necessity.  Similar to the News on TV.  The News is very difficult to watch.  You don't always want to watch it, as most the time it isn't shedding the best light on society.  However, the news is something that NEEDS to be watched at times to stay abreast to what is the actual reality of our society that we tend to turn a blind eye to.  We cannot be ignorant to the realities of this world, and The Meltdown provides that same portal for people to see the realness and rawness of our society's emotions that we tend to want to turn a blind eye to because maybe it's too much to know that it actually exists.

When I started in the Meltdown, I was in my 20s, and now I'm in my 30s, so what it has shown me is the growth that your emotions can have.  I came into The Meltdown as the character Pride, when all the character's names were emotions.   I had just finished grad school, so I thought I knew everything there was to know about acting, character development, and the business.  So when it came to my character Pride I thought I had it locked down, I mean it's pride, I have that, I can play that all day.  But, when you get knee deep into the script for The Meltdown you begin to see so many different layers of that pride and the depths that you have to go to as an actor to portray all those levels of depths.  The vulnerability that comes along with such depth takes a lot of work, but it's very rewarding.  The way Wanda has developed The Meltdown to where it has broaden to, now include eight characters, including a woman in a wheelchair, it really shows the range of emotion that many people can have with this work, and the unique take that each talented actor spins on their part of the script.

According to Wanda McKiver, and the many onlookers who have watched her film her role, now named "Billie" she has definitely demonstrated honest growth commitment and have set the bar high for those attempting to enter the world of reality through challenging scripts and hard hitting projects that aim to hit the core what is concerning the suffering.

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