The elements of nature are always the most amusing phenomenon around us. They have a way to show us all of their feelings. Their rage is a storm for us, their worry a tornado, the calming breeze is the comfort it gives, and the silent lull is its way of telling us that we are not alone in all of it. Humans, from times immemorial, have wanted something more; something beyond what nature has offered them. There is this never ending curiosity amongst humans regarding every aspect that constitutes their universe, and hence have always dwelled into deeper secrets all around them, even the ones they do not need to know.

Millions of decades have passed from a man's early years on this earth but one thing did remain constant and that is his need for materialistic comforts.  An early man in the thicket of forests needed spears, caves, and other such unnatural comforts to feel superior to all else. This made the man an inventor. As his needs increased and wants tripled, he also innovated and pushed the boundaries of nature for answers. Although these inventions have been awe inspiring, they were all invented in order to survive. But as the times passed by, the need became the want of the time. A man's tryst to win over every obstacle ended in a quarry of dissatisfaction. While a caveman has never been heard of complaining about a power cut or an unruly government, the distress that a new age man is going through can rightly be blamed, at his knowledge about everything and the inability to let go of some things.

One would assume that the knowledge man has garnered would actually appease his mind, but it is on the contrary. Every luxury that the man enjoys today has a direct contribution from Nature. Either the comforts are directly derived from nature or nature at the least becomes precedence for the idea of the comfort. While Man is busy mutilating nature for his luxuries, nature constantly provides solutions for every problem that it creates, voluntarily and also as easily avenge on the man.

A basic example, one could consider his/her own beautiful house and garden. Our houses are built with maximum contribution from nature including the pests and bugs, which make our lives a living hell. The irony would be that nature always thinks all around, while almost all the pests found in our house are extremely unhygienic, a health hazard, and a very big hindrance to peaceful living, there are few pests which are also good for us. Few of the very rare pests are actually tiny little helpers to keep the most irritable pests away from our homes.

A best pest control practice would include an amalgamation of these pests to avoid the recurrence of the other pests. These good bugs keep the bad bugs away by killing them and keeping them away from our gardens and furniture and also they themselves do not cause any harm. Many reputed Pest control practices include the usage of pesticides and these bugs as a complete formula to keep pesky pests away from one's home. Everything has a direct contribution from the beautiful nature surrounding us.

While survival is of crucial importance giving it back to nature is also of high priority for the mankind. Nature has been and will be our protector and it will continue to rescue us whenever the need arises, hence, it becomes an innate requirement to ensure that we give nature back what we are taking from it. Planting more trees, judicial usage of all resources, not choking the nature by polluting it are just a few basics steps that we can take up to make our mother nature happy. At the least, we have to contribute to the rescue and keep the beauty of Mother Nature alive for the generations to come.

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