Bad hair days are not uncommon, but the trouble starts when the hair begin becoming bad on a regular basis. So, for all the pretty ladies who are going through the problems of dry and damaged hair, best hair colourists and stylists in London suggested some home remedies to make your heir shiny and bouncy again. Let us discuss these remedies in detail:Avocados: Create a mixture of one mashed ripe avocado and an egg in a bowl. Make sure you remove the pit of the avocado. Apply this mixture on the wet hair, leave it there for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water several times. The cutting techniques are a fusion between technically cut shapes and straps of hair that have been styled with an editorial approach to add another dimension to the shape.Do this once a week for a couple of months and see the difference. Butter massage: If you have dry and brittle hair, massage them with a small amount of butter and then cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave it on for about half an hour and then shampoo your hair. Make sure you rinse all the butter out. This process will make your hair glossy and shiny. Olive oil: Warm up about half a cup of olive oil and then rub it on your hair. This brings back the moisture in your dry hair. Once you are done massaging your hair with olive oil, cover them in a plastic bag and wrap a towel around it. Leave it on for 45 minutes and then rinse your hair thoroughly. Tea: Use unsweetened and freshly brewed tea to rinse your hair after shampoo. It gives your dry hair natural shine. Best hair colourists in London suggest that tea enhances hair colour. Therefore, make sure to use a tea that suits your hair colour. Brunettes can use black tea and chamomile tea is perfect for blondes. Shampoo omelette: Mix small amount of shampoo with an egg and apply to your damaged hair for about 5-10 minutes and then rinse well. This enhances the protein of your hair and provides lustrous shine and bounciness to your hair. Apple cider vinegar mask: 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 egg whites combined together can do wonders for your damaged hair. Mix them all well and rub the mixture in your hair. Leave it on by covering your hair with a shower cap for about half an hour and then shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

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