With the development of the new surgical procedures, a man can now have his desired density of eyebrow, beard, sideburns or moustache. The most modernized technique to harvest follicles for facial hair transplantation is the FUE technique, with which the follicular grafts are harvested from the back portion of the scalp and implanted on the regions requiring greater density of facial hair.  

The facial hair transplantation is mainly done in the following areas:

  • Beard And Sideburns

Beard and sideburns are restored by people with sparse hair densities on those areas with the help of body hair FUE (BHFUE) principles, the irregularities could be filled up. Beard hairs require around 500- 1800 grafts depending on the style they desire to achieve the targeted look.

  • Moustache Hair

Usually  to balance the moustache area of male, around 500-600 grafts are necessary, with through the beard hair restoration or a standalone procedure.  Vellus and sideburns are usually the donor areas.

  • Eyebrows

This area needs explicit understanding because the eyebrow anatomy highly defines the rest of the face and the entire appearance depends upon it. So the placements and angles must be decided from beforehand. Another area which requires great concern is the Vellus hair close to the nape of the neck, often match the hair texture of the eyebrow area greatly and the growth is longer than the eyebrow hairs.  

Follicular Grafting and Extracting Ideal Donor Hair For Beard and Mustache

The hair the beard and mustache and sideburns is different from that of the scalp hair, hence the ideal donor grafts differ from the 2-5scalp hair grafts. For this purpose, about 1-2hair follicle grafts are created that suits the texture and length of the face hair.

At large facial hair transplant is performed with follicular grafting technique and FUE. As facial hair is different in texture than scalp hair, the ideal donor zone is more commonly the sides of the scalp above the ears. It takes 200-700 hair grafts for face hair restoration, be it for a spot coverage of thinning or any scars, or a full coverage including sideburns, cheeks, goatee and mustache.

FUT strip technique is not used in general for facial hair transplantation, as the graft demand is less, patients don't risk the scarring above their ears. Moreover, the region above the ears is more sensitive to scarring, than at the occipital bump at the back of the head, which is the typical zone for the strip excision.

The transplanted hairs on the beard cannot be used for future hair restoration onto the scalp, which is commonplace for male pattern baldness. Hence, body hair can be used to relocate onto the beard and save valuable scalp donor reserves for future hair transplantation.

Body Hair Follicular Unit Extraction, or BHFUE, is a sophisticated technique developed by expert surgeons. In this, the hair from the patients arms, chest, legs, and armpits could be used to relocate onto the face, and an adequate donor hairs of 300—500hairs could be extracted in general. 


Facial Hair Transpalnt procedure is more delecate than scalp hair relocation, dealing with 1-2hair grafts and a very soft recipient zone. it takes a very experienced surgeon to yield most pleasing results, and careful selection of patients. It would be wise to stick to the most highest rated and acclaimed surgeon than choosing a surgeon who is not evident of performing that many facial hair restoration surgery himself, despite the fact that he is a boarded surgeon. In cosmetic surgery, evident experienced is more important than board certification.

Source : articlesbase.com


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