If you need a custom power inverter, you have the opportunity to create a piece of equipment that perfectly addresses your current needs. You also have the chance to create a hardware that meets all of your foreseeable needs. Even if your custom power inverter doesn't require the four specifications listed below, including them in the design can pay off down the road.


1. Small Footprint

Custom power inverters that have a small footprint have an obvious advantage over models that have a large footprint: They can be placed in more areas and can be included in more equipment configurations than their unwieldy counterparts. For example, small footprint models are ideal for manufacturing environments where equipment changeups in the production line are common.


2. NEBS Certification

Originated by Bell Labs, Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) certification is bestowed on inverters that conform to one of three certification levels, with Level 3 assigned to equipment that can perform under various adverse conditions, such as unusual temperatures, vibration, unusual acoustics, and airborne contaminants, to name only four.

Using custom power inverters that are Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Level 3 certified can prevent the need to order a new inverters when new, adverse conditions arise in the work environment. In the end, Level 3 certified equipment can help you sustain productivity and mitigate equipment expense.


3. Large Load Size

Ordering custom power inverters that have a high load size can be beneficial, too. Using an inverter that offers more load capacity than you currently need gives you flexibility to introduce new equipment that requires significantly more wattage than the hardware it replaces, and thus requires the inverter to carry a bigger electricity load than it did for the previous equipment.


4. RoHS Certification

Adopted by the European Union (EU) in 2003, Restriction of Hazardous Substances certification (RoHS) is conferred on power inverters that don't contain the following six materials that are found to harmful to human health: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ether. RoHS certification contributes to safety in the workplace, both now and in the future.



If you need a custom power inverter, there are four characteristics to consider including in the design, even if they don't apply to your current needs and these are: small footprint, NEBS certification, large load size, and RoHS certification. To learn more about how these specifications can benefit you in the future, contact an experienced manufacturer of custom power inverters today.

Source : articlesbase.com


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