Initially, testing has been just another service provided by a software development company. But the shift in market demands revised the business models and placed testing and QA into the on-demand category. TaaS or Software Testing as a Service is basically an outsourcing concept where testing activities are outsourced to firms who specialize in simulating real world test environments as per project requirements. It thus compartmentalizes the development and maintenance phase of a project. This has provided an advantage to the client to pay for what they need and recurring them as required.

Applications, now a days, have become more complex with complex business processes which call more more complex testing methodologies for software quality assurance without affecting the return on investment . Though automated testing tools are a solution to this, but the investment and skills required to implement it is most of the time unaffordable for some companies. Thus, TaaS solutions are a better bid to overcome these obstacles. It's a best solution for all types of testing.

Types of Software Testing as a Service(TaaS)

-      Functional / FTaaS: This includes graphical user interface, regression, integration and user acceptance testing.

-      Performance / PTaaS: Load and Stress testing is performed by creating virtual users to simulate a real world user environment.

-      Security / STaaS: The applications are scanned for security loop holes and vulnerabilities.

Features of TaaS

-      It is an independent portal which runs an application for functional and performance tests.

-      It has a test library will complete security controls and saves all the test assets available to the end users.

-      It detects potential performance bottlenecks in the system through load and stress testing.

-      Its metering capabilities track the services used by the clients and charges them accordingly.

-      It has an on-demand availability of highly functional test labs which have the ability to deploy complex software applications, execute test scripts and run test tools.

-      The use of cloud resource pools further maximizes the hardware utilization levels.

An explicit TaaS solution may not be suitable for all kinds of applications as it involves engaging skilled and expensive consultants or sometimes just outsourcing the entire testing phase to a firm. It is most suitable under the following circumstances -  

-      An extensive simulation of real time environment is required.

-      Requirement of expertise and availability of automated testing tools.   

-      Requirement of extensive resources for irregular testing.


With TaaS, a consumption based pay model, there is both less amount of risk and investment for the business organization. This model functions independently and involves less collaboration of the employees and the consultants. Approaching an Independent Software Tesitng company for quality assured products. Regardless of the outsourced work, testing should also be a mandatory consideration while the project is under development.

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