Entrepreneurs nowadays are more into inbound marketing than outbound marketing. This, considering how widely the Internet is being used now, should be to their advantage, and they do so because they want a quicker way to gain clients.
What is inbound marketing in the first place? It's a holistic, data-driven marketing method of attracting people to a brand, and then turning them into lasting clients. Ever since 2006, this has been the most efficient way of marketing done by businesses. It completely outranks outbound marketing in many aspects.
Inbound marketing can be done through the utilization of blogs, podcasts, videos, SEO, social media marketing and other content marketing strategies. These are used to attract clients through the various levels of the purchase funnel.
In addition, if the content published is aligned to the client's needs, the site naturally gains more inbound traffic.
Knowing all this, you may want to have this kind of marketing incorporated in your business. However, you need to know that there are people who will visit a site for only 10 seconds or less – thus, you need the factors that lead to such actions.
The fact of the matter is, these factors can be avoided, but websites can still have them. Here are a few of them:
One of the most crucial currencies available on the internet is attention. If your client can't fully comprehend what your site is all about, chances are they'll immediately go to another site.
To avoid this from happening, have your Perth website designer place content that are direct to the point. It's important that your site must immediately communicate why clients should stay.
Letting your visitors understand your site in a snap is one factor you must always keep in mind. Another would be making the site content easily readable.
Unlike your everyday novels, site content should be short and direct to the point. There are clients that need certain information fast. The best way to do this is use bullet points, headers, sub headers, and lists.
You may notice that there are fonts that are fancy in your eyes, however, others may not appreciate such fonts. If your main objective is to share your company profile to your audience, it's best to use fonts that are generally readable. You should make the process of scanning easy for your visitors.
In line with the previous point, your font should be large enough to read. Sure, there are zoom-in features in some browsers. However, others may have to look for something in your website other than their main objectives.
Therefore, it's important that you use font sizes that don't require the client to use the zoom-in feature.
Pop-up ads can disrupt the reading progress of your clients. Yes, these ads could get you brand new email subscribers when they click on it. However, are these ads really worth the effort when your clients leave your site due to these annoying ads?
The best alternative you can replace with pop-up ads are exit pop-up ads. These ads only appear when the visitor is leaving the website. However, during their visit to your site, ads will not show up unless they decide to leave.
Inbound marketing is unsuccessful if you don't take heed of these factors presented above. If your site still contains these flaws, chances are you wouldn't leave a huge mark in the online industry.
Therefore, it's best to hire only the best web design service provider you could find who'll avoid using these things in your site's design. So don't sacrifice quality; choose only the best for your business site.
Source : articlesbase.com
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