Your memory serves an important part of your daily life. It stores all the data of your past and helps you find, understand and make decisions regarding many things. The absence of a good memory can be very troubling while having a good memory is equally rewarding. With age, our memory power begins to deteriorate. However there are numerous ways in which you can increase your memory power.

Here is a list of 10 ways in which you can increase your memory power:

1. Process Information Differently

Our brain has different ways to learn. When you get any information, try to visualize it in your mind in pictures. It has been scientifically proven that if you can picture something in your mind, you stand better chances of not forgetting for long. While listening, you can try taking notes, repeating or paraphrasing the information in your mind. This will form new neural connections in your mind which will, in turn help increase memory.

2. Think differently

While crosswords and puzzles do help in sharpening the brain, they can eventually ward-off with age. Hence try and find new ways of engaging your brain by taking part in different activities & using your Grey-matter in different ways.

3. Stress Not

Stress can deeply affect the brain's ability to concentrate, understand, remember and retrieve information. Also make sure you breathe properly and meditate to stay away from stress to help the brain function better.

4. Nutrition

Proper nutrition is important for proper functioning of the brain. Thus make your diet in a way that it contains essential nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, which help you in increasing brain power. You can also make use of memory booster supplements to make sure that your brain gets the necessary fuel. You can also get an ayurvedic brain tonic these days that is made from fully natural ingredients.

5. Sleep

Ensuring proper sleep also makes your brain function much better. It gives your brain rest, relaxation and restores its power.

6. Exercise

Exercising for at least half an hour each day can also help you improving your memory power. Leading a sedentary lifestyle on the other hand can reduce memory power.

7. Use Prescription Drugs judiciously

Many medications like steroids, tranquilizers, etc. can impair the function of the brain as a side-effect, which is why they should be taken with caution.

8. Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol,Beer & drugs can impair your memory power severely, so they are best avoided.

9. Quit Smoking

Smoking greatly lessens the concentration of oxygen in the brain, which hinders good memory.

10. Reduce caffeine

While in small amounts caffeine can help improve focus, excess of it can lead to adrenal exhaustion which prevents proper information retrieval.


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