In the world of internet, marketing platforms seems to be shifting on a daily basis. In the last decade, Social media platforms have become more widely accepted as a communications channel, and more and more businesses are leveraging these platforms to engage their customers. Businesses are always on a looking for new ways to integrate them more and effectively. The web is getting much more smarter, so are these social networking platforms. They are analysing our each and every clicks and studying our social behaviour which the brands and business leverage to connect with their customer base more efficiently and effectively.

For any business to grow today, digital marketing and social media plays an important role. Venus Academy, organizers of India's largest educational seminars and an end to end corporate training house brings to all the aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses a half-day program, The Future of Social Media, where the participants would learn the way to grow professionally using digital marketing and social media as tools. The seminar will be held on 16th of January in The Club, Mumbai and on 17th of January in the Adarsh Hamilton, Benguluru. Participation is open to all.

In a world where marketing platforms seems to be changing daily, it is perhaps impossible to predict where the future of social media is going, but Mark Schaefer has a pretty good idea. In this acclaimed, entertaining, and unforgettable speech, Schaefer he will try to address all the issues related to digital marketing and social media. In his address, he will try to cover the following five points:

1. The three digital marketing revolutions and the fourth that will begin in the next two years.

2. The very real business challenges presented by information density.

3. Six critical strategies to cut through the internet noise to become the consumer's signal.

4. The role of advanced filters, cognitive computing, and wearable technology in a future marketing mix.

5. The one ''killer app'' for digital marketing, sales and service for the next five years.

This will be an interacting events where all your queries will also be answered. Questions like, how to ignite your business strategies? How to create a new business strategy? What is the place of social media in your business? What is the most important word in marketing? What is the best way to measure thought leadership, will be addressed and answered upon by Mark Schaefer.

As the number of global internet users is increasing at an unprecedented pace, the importance and role of social media is bound to happen. So, it will become all the more important for the businesses and brands to use these social platforms to engage with their customers more intricately.

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