Is improving your health a part of your New Year's resolution for 2016? If not, it should be! Keeping your family's immune system strong is important for staving off cold and flu viruses throughout the year. A naturopathic family care center can help you achieve this. You can learn a lot about integrative medicine and natural methods within your first visit to a naturopathic center in Phoenix. A variety of services can be obtained to improve the overall health of your family, including ozone therapy, chelation therapy, IV vitamin therapy and natural allergy treatments.

Why Naturopathic Medicine?

Before there was conventional medicine, there was naturopathic. It's going back to nature. This is why a lot of naturopathic family care practitioners focus so much on diet and lifestyle changes. It is about taking a holistic approach to your overall health. The idea is to prevent illness before it starts. But you can still seek treatment even if you already have a disease.

The Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

There are key principles that holistic doctors implement into their patient care. Here is a review of some of them:

  • Using the healing power of nature. It's believed that the body is fully capable of healing itself and maintaining optimal health. Naturopathic medicine aims to facilitate this process by eliminating roadblocks to enhance healing.
  • Identify then treat the root of the problem. Rather than focusing on the symptoms, natural doctors aim to identify the underlying cause of the illness, so that it can be treated successfully. Symptoms aren't the issue – these are just signs of a brewing illness.
  • Use therapies that do no harm. Naturopathic practitioners are committed to performing treatments on patients that are safe for patients. The treatments provided are non-invasive, effective and present no adverse side effects.
  • Doctors are your teacher. In naturopathic centers, physicians teach their patients about being healthy. This is where lifestyle and diet change come into play.
  • Holistic healing. Natural doctors focus on the entire body, not just one area. Even if you have a heart condition, the entire body is treated. The idea here is that the patient needs treatment, not the disease.
  • Prevention. The most important aspect of naturopathic medicine is helping patients prevent disease from occurring in the first place. The physician will discuss the proper diet and lifestyle choices to make this happen.
What to Expect at a Naturopathic Family Medicine

After making the decision to improve your health naturally in 2016, it's time to schedule a visit with a naturopathic medical center. There are numerous natural medicine centers in Phoenix that you can visit. During your initial visit, expect to be there at least 60 to 120 minutes. Each visit thereafter will be fairly quick, depending on the problems found.

The reason your first visit takes so long is due to the examination process. It can be compared to an interview, since you will be asked a lot of questions to help thoroughly assess your medical history and current conditions. There's a lot of paperwork that has to be done, which will help the naturopathic physician tailor your family's care.

Lab tests are also used to help pinpoint underlying problems the patient may unknowingly have. These tests can also detect potential allergies. Once the assessment is complete, a plan will be provided. Follow-up visits will then be scheduled to determine whether the plan is working or not.

It's a new year, make sure you follow through with your goals for better health!

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